Not sure about the 'import' bit but as we are all within the same 'economic union' then I assume there isn't import duties, etc. But then I am not certain.
As for buying a bike - new bikes come with 17.5% VAT (value added tax) included in the price that goes to the government. Usually 12 months road tax and usually a 2 year manufacturer warranty.
Road tax in the UK is currently £60 a year for a bike ... but it goes up every 3 to 4 hours ;o)
Any bike older than three years needs an MOT (yearly safety check). Bike is not road legal without one so make sure it is valid. They cost about £30 and there are testing centres all over the place.
All bikes come with a V5 (vehicle identification and ownership document). Shows registration, make, model, engine and chassis numbers, current owner, etc. Make sure it all matches the bike and don't buy without one. All data is stored on the DVLA database (based in Swansea). You can call or write to them for info on the bike and they keep records of stolen bikes, etc.
You can also run HPI checks through various companies which check for outstanding finance on any vehicle. There is a charge for this (about £30) but it's nice to know if someone has £3000 outstanding on the vehicle you are buying, etc.
All the best.