Guatemala storage
I am currenlty in the same situation you are anticipating. I guy on ADV rider, who lives in Guatemala made a call for me and apparently you are not required to live your bike in a government fascility.
However, you do need to exit the country with your bike within the 90 days of alloted time. This 90 day period applies for Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Niguragua. If you need to leave your bike somewhere for longer than 90 days you might need to try another country or pay a fine for leaving your bike here for longer than 90 days. I do not know what the penalty would be.
You can refresh the 90 day period by leaving the group of 4 countries for 3 days and returning. I recently had to do this. I used Mexico as my exit country. I paid a $10 bribe to avoid the 3 day wait period and from what I understand this is pretty common.
I am flying back to the states in early July, so I will let you know how it goes.
Good Luck