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Old 2 Mar 2010
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London US embassy visa problems

Hi im trying to complete the US on line Visa application DS-160. It just keeps crashing??? the site says they are experiencing connection problems but the truth is it just doesn't seem to work. my problem is i have an interview booked for Friday and if i cant get this form completed im stuffed for it... iv tried ringing to ask for help but they just have a message saying ring back later after 8 minutes of waiting at £1.60 a minute???

any ideas ? is any one else experiencing this??
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Old 3 Mar 2010
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Originally Posted by jonnywave View Post
Hi im trying to complete the US on line Visa application DS-160. It just keeps crashing??? the site says they are experiencing connection problems but the truth is it just doesn't seem to work. my problem is i have an interview booked for Friday and if i cant get this form completed im stuffed for it... iv tried ringing to ask for help but they just have a message saying ring back later after 8 minutes of waiting at £1.60 a minute???

any ideas ? is any one else experiencing this??
What actually crashes ?

Is it just the browser that has an issue ?

Are you using IE, FF or something else ?

If FF, it could be a plugin needs updating ?
It could just be that FF needs upgrading or downgrading

If IE, are you using the version the US Embassy recommends ?

More clues will help people help you :-)

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Old 3 Mar 2010
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Originally Posted by BruceP View Post
What actually crashes ?

Is it just the browser that has an issue ?

Are you using IE, FF or something else ?

If FF, it could be a plugin needs updating ?
It could just be that FF needs upgrading or downgrading

If IE, are you using the version the US Embassy recommends ?

More clues will help people help you :-)
not FF
IE the recommended version
Tried Chrome and Safari.

Its their system it keeps locking up and timing out. they haven't given enough thought to the fact they change all the forms to this one and are shocked when they are inundated by people trying to fill it in. It has a save option so you can go back to complete but it takes 15 minutes to get back to your page your working on and then it time out at 20 minutes. it takes 2 minute to open up another page and if you click something that is not required it stalls and sends back an error message. you have to start again It just crap. i have been on it solid (except for this minute) since 7am this morning and from 8.30 to 1am yesterday and spasmodically over three days prior.. aaaaaaaaaaarggg i have spoke to the embassy it cost me £25 on charged calls they said its not a big issue.. :confused1: lots of people all over the world are having the same problems. my interview can be moved if a i can get mooooore time off work. the frustrating thing is that i expect this in Africa or Kasakstan not in UK based US embassy. it crazy.

I am considering changing destination of this trip.my main issue are: everything relies on getting this sorted in good time to organise a replacement manager for my company and book flights and shipping stuff. if a i cant get this arranged i cant appoint for a replacement set period and wont get any one intererested ..... aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgggg

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Old 3 Mar 2010
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i have exactly the same problem..i ve got stucked with this application and have no idea how to move forward..! additionally have problems with page about previous US travels, Does anyone know how to "remove" rest of unwanted empty U.S visits data boxes ? I think that this cause a main error and dont allow to go forward at all... i am getting crazy, the same story since 2 days and my upcomming visa appointment this friday..
If someone managed to finish it, please write, is this at all possible?
thanks a lot
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Old 3 Mar 2010
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Originally Posted by kasia View Post
i have exactly the same problem..i ve got stucked with this application and have no idea how to move forward..! additionally have problems with page about previous US travels, Does anyone know how to "remove" rest of unwanted empty U.S visits data boxes ? I think that this cause a main error and dont allow to go forward at all... i am getting crazy, the same story since 2 days and my upcomming visa appointment this friday..
If someone managed to finish it, please write, is this at all possible?
thanks a lot
I have realised that you get further along before 2pm in the afternoon i presume most of the western countries are in bed and therefore less traffic on the site. but it still doesnt get you through the form. if you try to "Remove" it freaks and times out . i have just put the same info again and again. hoping if i get it completed i will just explain the system wouldn't let me remove. However im not going to get mine or my wife's completed in time . Our interview is also on friday. im going to try and re schedual or even cancel. im probably going to change my plans to just be in country for three months. not ideal but considerably less stress and more achievable.

Bloody computers
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Old 4 Mar 2010
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visa update

They have listened to us and and now we can use the old forms check out the link below...

03 March 2010 DS-160 Online Form Problems (updated @1720 GMT)
Due to unforeseen problems with the new visa application form DS-160, any applicant who has been unable to complete this form may submit the previously used DS-156, DS-157 if male between the ages of 16 and 45 and DS-158 if applying for an F or a J visa until further notice. You can access these on the Embassy’s web-site's visa forms page at http://london.usembassy.gov/cons_new...visaforms.html

result. im off to london now.. yipppeeeeeeee
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Old 10 Mar 2010
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I have spent a total of 18 hours over a two week period trying to fill it out before it crashes. My interview was yesterday and all the phone calls I made to the (Irish) US embassy did not help. NO DS 160 no admittants.

I am now looking into Canada instead.
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Old 16 Mar 2010
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What kind of questions do they ask at the interview?
How long does it take?
How long does it take to get your passport with visa back through the post?
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Old 17 Mar 2010
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US Embassy Interview

I applied for the B2 US visa just over a year ago. You are not allowed to carry mobile phones and other electronic devices into the embassy and a year ago they didn't have any storage facilities outside for them so leave them with a friend. My interview lasted 3 or 4 minutes. They want to know why you are going and that you have funds to support yourself. Take recent bank statements, proof of income if any etc. Take any bike documentation and documentation of your onward trip from the USA if you have any although I wasn't asked to produce this. I got my passport and visa back within a couple of days.
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Old 23 Mar 2010
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This is driving me crazy. I've got my interview next week and I've filled in my online form but I can't upload a photo. I've got one but it says the file is too big. And I can't see anyway around it. I HAVE to apply online with a photo and it won't work. And another thing they say the photo has to be 2 inches by 2 inches which is NOT the standard size. I'm going mad and don't know what to do.
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Old 23 Mar 2010
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I don't mean to be insulting by asking an obvious question, but have you changed the file size of the photo? In pixels, I mean? Same deal for changing the dimensions in inches? If you've already tried this, I apologize; if you don't know what I mean, consult any 12 y.o. boy or your chosen photo editing software.
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Old 25 Mar 2010
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The DS-160 form is by far the most frustrating visa process I have ever been through. Here's a few notes to others so you don't have the same difficulties at the London US Embassy

1. Don't bring your car key or anything with a button that uses electricity, or a battery (think of entering the US Embassy in London like you would an Amish township and you will be fine). For a fee you can store your things at a shop close to the Embassy.

2. H1B/E3 work visa applicants when you're answering the question on the DS-160 form that relates to your purpose for travel to the US, you must not select 'Business' instead you must select 'Other.' After doing so, a previously non-visible dropdown list will appear where you must select your visa type i.e. H1B/E3 etc. If you get this wrong, you'll need to go to an internet cafe and re-submit the form.

3. If the clerk who reviews your DS-160 finds an error and sends you away to re-submit the online form at an internet cafe, ensure that the same clerk advises you of any other mistakes you have made. We ended up making 2 trips to an internet cafe to re-submit the form after the first clerk failed to identify all the errors on the form at the first review

4. If you have to re-submit the form make sure you're back by the time they tell you (I think it was 2pm) otherwise you'll need to come back the following working day.

5. Although at the US Embassy it appears that there are 2 computers and a printer available for people to re-do their online form and print out, this is in fact not the case. The computers onsite at the Embassy do not allow you to save your DS-160 file - which means even if you get to the end of the form, you'll not be able to save it or print it, so you'll need to go to an internet cafe and re-submit the form.

6. You'll only be able to get information about where your passport is when the Embassy hands your passport over to the courier company. Until then, the status of your passport using the tracking number will not be recognised.

7. We found there was no phone number to find out from the Embassy what the status of your visa is. Until your passport gets to the courier company I beleive you'll have no option but to patiently wait.

8. Apparently the form required to be completed by all males is no longer required if you're using the DS-160, even though there's a sign on the tv to tell all males to fill out the form.

Good luck to you all!
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Old 25 Mar 2010
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Now I'm more worried than ever. I finally managed to fill in the online form. I did have to compress my photo (luckily my wife knew how to do it), but it is still very frustating. They tell you to save your work often and boy, do they mean it. If you don't save EVERY two minutes it will time out and you have to start again.

Markharf - no offense taken. You were right.

I'll post what happens to me...if i survive!
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Old 7 Apr 2010
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Well, I went to the US Embassy today......

I got there at 10 a.m. The letter said DO NOT arrive more than half an hour before your appointment (mine was for 10:30) so I didn't. When I got there there was a massive queue just to get in the building. I counted 50 people in front of me. When I got half way round a lady was asking if we had any electronic equipment and the correct papers. I was astonished that 3 of the 4 people in front of me had either a phone, car keys (electronic!) or they didn't have the right papers photocopied. They ALL had to go to a local shop to either leave theur stuff or get on the internet and get the right stuff.

I had the right papers - three in total. A letter of confirmation, receipt for paying the $131 fee for applying and a page (which has my photo on it) which is the page you print off as you finish the DS 160 online application.

I got into the building just after 10:30. I was given a number (354) and told to sit down. The TV display called number 271 to desk 3. I was in for a long wait....

45 minutes later I was called for the first interview. Well, they call it an interview but really you just hand your forms over and have your fingerprints taken, then return to the seats to wait for the real interview. I waited 1 hour. Eventually I was called for my interview. I stood at a window whilst an Embassy employer read my application and asked my why I was applying for a visa. I told her I was only going to fly one way into the US, and might want to stay for more than 90 days (I also told her that I would be riding a bike from Alaska to Central America.)

She asked if I had any documentation to support my application - aletter from my employer? Details of the trip? or proof that I would have funds to cover my trip. :confused1:Worryingly I said I didn't. It didn't really occur to me that I might need this. I told her I had enough money and anyway, it wasn't that expensive once you've paid for the bike. It was touch and go for a few minutes and she was NOT IMPRESSED that I didn't have anything to back up my application. So my advice to anyone doing this is TAKE SOMETHING WITH YOU. Something that shows you have funds. I was really worried for a few minutes that she would refuse me my visa and my dream that I have been planning for 15 years would fall apart.

Fortunately she approved my application and now it's all systems go....
After having paid £25 to get my passport delivered next week (what a rip off)

I did laugh, though, when she looked at my passport and saw a visa for Iran. The conversation went something like:
" Why did you go to Iran"
"On holiday"
"Yes, it's got some wonderful Persian ruins"
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Old 23 Jul 2011
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Where can I find the upload photo link on the application? I am trying to work around this for weeks and it is no where to be found.

I googled it and I found results saying that there's a 'test upload' when you start an application. I also don't get a photo tab at the top.

Please help.

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