Lost/Stolen Paperwork (passport/visa/carnet)
I've looked about on the HUBB a bit, and haven't found reference to this, but this is my first post, so forgive me if I've missed something.....
I have a friend who is currently stranded in Managua, Nicaragua. She was carrying a Malaysian passport with a US visa to end her trip with a flight from San Francisco CA to HongKong. She was mugged (more on that later) and lost it all - passport, visa, tickets, creditcards (save for one), etc.
So far she has contacted the Malaysian embassy in Mexico City and received an Emergency Certificate (temp passport) and the airlines will replace her tickets once she can prove who she is, but the US Consulate is being coy about re-issuing a visa.
What would you do? and is there anyone in the area who could provide moral support? Note: she's a world traveler, but not on a motorcycle.
Now, the mechanism by which she was robbed was: In a cab, she was in the back seat, passenger side. The cab stopped and another man got in the front seat, passenger side, dropped the seatback into her lap and turned around kneeling on it pinned her to the seat while he beat and robbed her.
WATCH OUT. BE PREPARED TO BAIL OUT OF ANY VEHICLE THAT STOPS UNEXPLAINEDLY. She continued to try to escape and was finally discharged from the moving vehicle. Major road rash.
So, again, a thought provoking question - what do you do when you lose it all?