Mongolian Visa UK
Travelling to Mongolia this summer and I'd like some clarification on the visas and bike entry requirements. I've done a fair bit of motorcycle travelling all round the world - see Worldwide Motorcycle Tours And Blogs - Overlander but never Mongolia and I would like some advice if possible
I'll be getting my visa in London. The visa requirements look ok -
I presume a general covering letter detailing intended transport and itinery will do as I'll be camping and won't book accomodation.
No carnet.. but for the bike they mention
Contact details of the host in Mongolia (detailed information if the host is an individual). If the presented documents do not meet the requirements, vehicles are subject to customs clearance and tax deposit according to Mongolian law.
So how does that work? Or is it the usual 'it will be fine at the border' thing cover it?
Everything else looks fine.
Any help gratefully received. Thanks