Good question,i would like to hear an answer on that.
How the surtain countries define a moped,
for an xample,in my country a moped(enything under 50cc) is NOT consider'd for a motor vehicle,but an 'bicycle with engine help'
so one can import it (with note to custums officers)and can stay for 60 days in the country with no obligations,and when one leaves the country,he reports to costums that the vehicle is beeing exported,with no fees or enything!
Like temporarly import of laptops,cameras,etc..one just reports valuebles to costums,and report export on exit!That simple!
So,i was wondering,since in China foreners cant drive there own vehicles(with out lots money for escort by officials with a jeep and everything),can one do it on a <50cc,and generaly how other country's regulate that???
[This message has been edited by jondoe (edited 30 January 2003).]