Need Advice on Registering Car in Spain - javierCarrion Are You Out There?
Hi everybody -
Some friends and I have been planning to drive from Madrid to Ghana. I run an NGO in Ghana, and a friend in Madrid is selling us her car very inexpensively. We are US citizens.
We are planning to drive the car to Ghana and then use it as our NGOs office car there. We plan to leave December 28, but we are having major problems getting the car registered to our names in Spain.
If any of you have any advice on what to do, I would be so grateful -- we very much want to make the trip, and the car is going down to Africa for a good cause. If anyone knows a gestor in Madrid who could help handle this, I would be very willing to pay. Thanks so much!
javierCarrion, if you are out there, maybe you can help -- your profile says that you are from Madrid. You have done the route we intend to do quite a bit, and your posts here are always very matter-of-fact and informative.