Nepal to the UK one way.carnet questions
hey there,
I've been reading this site for a few weeks now and have found some really really good info about one way NEPAL-UK over land trip..Seems like it has been done by a few people here, I'm struggling to get my head around the logistics of all this carnet and paperwork business wondering if someone could help me out..
few questions..
1. I'm Australian, can i only get an australia issued carnet, or can get it from elsewhere. eg.(england)considering my one way travel plans, would there be any benefit in this..
2.If i buy a Nepalese registered bike, does it need to be returned to nepal in order to get my carnet deposit back. there anyway to simply just travel with the bike one way( the import tax in UK and sell it) and still receive Carnet deposit back..
4. being an Australian, if i was to ship the bike back to Australia at the end of the trip, could i get the bike registered there and all be sweet??
Ahh so many Q's, would appreciate any help.. cheers!!