New Panama motorcycle rule Read before you come
Notice to motorcycle travelers visiting Panama
I’m VaqueroPTY and live in Panama. I have never posted anything yet but use the site for very useful information. I have a BMW R1200GS and a Kawasaki KLR 650. I have extensive knowledge about Panama as of living here for nearly 30 years. Now for the notice… Reported today 03 July 2013 on the local news and in the papers, Panama will be requiring as of the 21st of June 2013 that every motorcyclist on the roads here must have their motorcycle license plate number on the back of their clothing, shirt, jacket, vest or your bare back if you ride that way as well as on the back and both sides of your helmet. Now I do not know if that applies to visitors coming to or transiting through Panama. As always they have not given any extensive details apart from saying it has to be there in these locations or how it should be put if by stickers, velcro or marker…..which basically leaves the door open to any officials interpretation of the new rule. My experience here says that you should carry some kind of tape and a marker to quickly put it on your helmet back and sides as well as on the back of your clothing and large enough so that it can be visible to the officer who may stop you and fine you $75.00 and or seize your bike until you comply or pay them a bribe…..but be prepared to pay everyone along the way if you do not have it. Some may let you pass without a problem or fine but 10 miles down the road there may be one who will not be as friendly. They may tell you that you should know all traffic rules and laws of any country you are visiting… be prepared and shoot me a reply or email if heading this way and I’ll buy you a .
Oh they are also verifying that you do have a an actual motorcycle license as well…
Reported here….. English Inglis ATTT adds new requirement for motorcycle drivers | Locales-Ultima Hora | La Prensa Panamá
Espanol Spanish ATTT: Motorizados deberán portar chalecos y cascos con número de placa | Locales-Ultima Hora | La Prensa Panamá