You will need some sort of proof of ownership such as registered title of the type issued in the USA or registration documents similar to those used in UK, Europe and Australia. However given the registered Keeper from UK specifically states they are not to be regarded as proof of ownership and some others aren't really a title document, it might be smart to bring anything resembling a bill of sale or receipt with you as well. All ownership documentation needs to be in your name if you want to keep things simple
Despite some claims by Photoshop aficionados, most countries require you to have a certain level of third party liability coverage and even if it wasn't compulsory, normal commonsense would require it anyway. You should be able to get one policy that will cover most of South America and for other countries it is usually available at or close to the border
No Carnet needed for the whole Americas, but if you intend to go on to Australia and parts of Asia, you will need to be able to get one.