Get a new one
Get a new one. There are plenty of forged documents floating around that part of the world and authorities are on the look out for dodgy ones. Many countries' authorities have been trained by western country officials on identification fraud and they are much more vigilant than they used to be. Getting caught with a suspect passport (regardless of how genuine it really is) will land you in jail in many countries. Depending on where you are you might not get hold of a new passport, or an embassy official who can confirm who you are, for at least several days. In many countries the nearest embassy might not hear of your plight for weeks - believe me, this is not uncommon. Ring the nearest embassy and ask them for advice on this. Don't suspect their advice will be based on wanting to get your 66 folding ones, it'll be based on not wanting to spends thousands of pounds getting you out of some immigration lock-up. This is a no-brainer for me - get a new one.
Last edited by BrettUAE; 12 Jun 2007 at 03:28.