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Trip Paperwork Covers all documentation, carnets, customs and country requirements, how to deal with insurance etc.
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Old 16 Jul 2010
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Temp import to USA - EPA approval letter

Hi all,

I picked up this issue in another thread and made some enquiries with the EPA. Essentially, you need a letter of approval from the EPA to allow you to temporarily import a vehicle in to the US. The process involves the filling out of a form (3520-1) at border customs when you enter the US, and to fully complete the form you must produce the EPA approval letter. Apparently this will take about 3 weeks to arrange.

I believe this is a fairly recent change in procedures of temp. importation.

I made some enquiries with the EPA. The reply is below.
Hope this is of use.

"You should apply for the exemption prior to reaching Customs. Attached is the list of information you will need to submit for applying for a Nonresident exemption"

And this was the contents of the attached:

Information needed to obtain Nonresident Temporary Importation
Approval Letter from EPA
Nonconforming motor vehicles may be temporarily imported into the U.S. by a
nonresident for personal use by the importer for a period not to exceed one year.
Only individual nonresidents may import a vehicle through a nonresident exemption.
The conditions of this temporary exemption are:
• Vehicle may not be sold or otherwise transferred to another party in the U.S.;
• Vehicle must be used solely for personal use by the importer and members of the
importer’s immediate family while in the U.S.;
• Exemption is voided if the vehicle is either used for commercial purposes, or used
principally by any person other than the importer (or spouse of the importer); and
• Vehicle must be exported after one year, or upon the nonresident departing the U.S.,
whichever comes first.
To obtain a Nonresident Temporary Importation Approval Letter from EPA;
please provide the following information in a letter that is signed by the
1. Your full name, current foreign address, phone number, Fax number, and email address
(if applicable)
2. Your U.S. address, phone number, Fax number, and email address (if applicable)
3. Vehicle year, make, model and Vehicle Identification Number
4. Proof of vehicle ownership (copy of current title or registration from country of origin of
the vehicle, Importer and owner needs to be the same).
5. Proof of nonresident status (copy of passport, visa, work permit, or other official
6. A statement of the reason for the importation.
7. The duration of the importation.
8. A signed compliance Memorandum (this will be supplied by EPA once we have all of your
information). The exemption will not be issued until we receive a signed copy of the
memorandum issued by EPA.
Please mail, fax, or email this information to:
EPA Imports Line
Compliance & Innovative Strategies Division
Light Duty Vehicle Programs
2000 Traverwood Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
David C. Hurlin
Imports Group
Managed by URS Federal Services
Phone: (734) 214-4100
Fax: (734) 214-4676
Email: Imports@epa.gov

I'll be applying for one of those then!
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Old 16 Jul 2010
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EPA website -
Importing Vehicles and Engines | US EPA
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Old 20 Jul 2010
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Good info, thanks!
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Old 20 Jul 2010
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I wonder how this applies to Mexican or Canadian registered vehicles. Thousands of people cross the border daily in all types of vehicles. I have crossed from Mexico into the States on several occasions in both cars and on bikes and have never been asked for any documents! Does anybody know? Any Canadians been asked for anything?

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Old 20 Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by garrydymond View Post
I wonder how this applies to Mexican or Canadian registered vehicles. Thousands of people cross the border daily in all types of vehicles. I have crossed from Mexico into the States on several occasions in both cars and on bikes and have never been asked for any documents! Does anybody know? Any Canadians been asked for anything?


I was told that this is a fairly new requirement, so I dont know. I guess that the rule applies no matter what country your vehicle is registered in as long as it isnt the US! In the real world though, there must be hundreds of vehicles passing through the borders each day, and I doubt they all have the EPA paperwork.

I suspect that you could get away with it depending on how phinnicky the customs officer is and whether they're in a good mood or not.

My feelings on it are that it's a pretty easy thing to arrange and there is no processing fee, so why not get it sorted in advance and avoid any potential issues?
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Old 20 Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by garmei View Post
I was told that this is a fairly new requirement,
This appears to have been the requirement since January this year - at least.

Late last year, a friend rode from Korea to London then flew the bike to Florida, hoping to become probably the first Korean to ride RTW.

At the time, James Cargo did not know of this requirement, nor did their Agent - in far away California (nearly as far from Florida as their depot in London!)
It took him about 4 weeks to get the bike released by which time he had run out of time and just rode it from one airfreight shed to another to fly it on to Soeul before returning himself.

His great ride came to a sad end, beaten by the paperwork of the "Land of the Free"

But hundreds of thousands vehicles must have crossed the land borders into USA since then. Thousands daily.
Anyone here?
Was an EPA letter required?
If not - why is it needed by non-road customs?
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Old 20 Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by Tony P View Post

At the time, James Cargo did not know of this requirement, nor did their Agent - in far away California (nearly as far from Florida as their depot in London!)
I asked this question of James Cargo about a week ago and received the following reply:

In regards to the EPA Letter, one of the customs clearance documents is the 3520-1 which has a category for EPA waiver on it, in theory negating the requirement for an EPA letter. We have never had any problem with this for customers clearing into the U.S. to date, however a customer on Friday clearing a bike into Anchorage in Alaska was informed that they could only clear their bike with the EPA letter.

It therefore does depend on the customs officer on the day, however as I say we have sent 100's of people into the U.S. without any issues.

Sort of helpful, sortof not.
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Old 20 Jul 2010
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Follow up to James cargo quote in the above post:

From reading the manual on the EPA website, the EPA section on form 3520-1 is NOT a waiver in the sense that it can just be ignored. It is a section that must be fiilled in (for temporary import of a foreign vehicle you insert an 'O' in this section of the form AND include a copy of the EPA letter).

It's all on the EPA website. For the purpose of clarity, the purpose of my enquiry to the EPA was to confirm that this procedure applies to overland customs entry as well as air/port terminal customs offices. Apparently it does!

As others have requested, I'd love to hear of people that have recently crossed the border without an EPA letter..for no other reason than to see the system being beaten
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Old 20 Jul 2010
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EPA Letter

Originally Posted by ajaxer View Post
I asked this question of James Cargo about a week ago and received the following reply:

We have never had any problem with this for customers clearing into the U.S. to date

...as I say we have sent 100's of people into the U.S. without any issues.

Utter b*ll*cks. (Sorry Moderators!)

They shipped the Korean's bike from London to Florida in January.

They knew all about Joon's eventual problems and resulting failed RTW due to lack of EPA letter.

They discussed it with both him and me at the time.
I sent them copies of documents Joon was given and obtained.
We spoke about it at their display stand at the HU Ace day in February.
We even mentioned him when I was at their offices 3 weeks ago!

Now, 6 months later, to say they have had not had any problem is blatently and knowingly incorrect.

These people should get paid for their skills, expertise and knowledge - not bullshit.
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Old 20 Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by ajaxer View Post
I asked this question of James Cargo about a week ago and received the following reply:

Sort of helpful, sortof not.
EPA Website suggests it is needed

Overview of Vehicle Import Requirements | Importing Vehicles and Engines | US EPA

I'll be applying for mine later this week, even though I reckon we will not be asked as we are landing in Toronto and the crossing and East side boarder into the US, and if last time round is anything to go on they will take 1 look at our visa and wave us through :-)

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Old 21 Jul 2010
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Well I decided to play safe and send my application in for the EPA approval. The info supplied by garmei was extremely helpful as there is no-where that I could find where this information is spelt out on the EPA site, it only says to apply for a letter but not this level of detail about how to do so.

As I only have a few weeks before departure I am crossing my fingers that I receive my letter in time.
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Old 21 Jul 2010
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James Cargo have sent me an email advising me that the EPA approval letter seems to be required now since the problem with the Anchorage customer. So maybe they will be clearer for other customers now and help them avoid problems.
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Old 21 Jul 2010
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Clearing US customs

Originally Posted by Tony P View Post
This appears to have been the requirement since January this year - at least.

Late last year, a friend rode from Korea to London then flew the bike to Florida, hoping to become probably the first Korean to ride RTW.

At the time, James Cargo did not know of this requirement, nor did their Agent - in far away California (nearly as far from Florida as their depot in London!)
It took him about 4 weeks to get the bike released by which time he had run out of time and just rode it from one airfreight shed to another to fly it on to Soeul before returning himself.

His great ride came to a sad end, beaten by the paperwork of the "Land of the Free"

But hundreds of thousands vehicles must have crossed the land borders into USA since then. Thousands daily.
Anyone here?
Was an EPA letter required?
If not - why is it needed by non-road customs?
Hi Tony
That is such a shame for your friend, I must have cleared customs at a similar time to him (early December), I didn't have the EPA letter and had a useless and inexperienced shipping agent (long story), but still cleared everything fine with no questions about a letter. Possibly a difference because Thelma arrived by boat? It took less than a day to clear Customs at Long Beach.
Also contrary to what the EPA states, it is still possible to exit the country whilst leaving the bike in the US, I went down to Guatemala at one point and also flew home whilst leaving Thelma in LA.
Good luck to everyone else, and maybe I'll meet some of you on the road to Labrador.
On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 21 Jul 2010
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Hi we are shipping our bike to La on 1st Aug 2010 and have just read about your korean friends ordeal. We arrive in LA on 24th Aug same day as the bike what do we need to clear customs eg epa form and how do we obtain it thanks Gareth
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Old 22 Jul 2010
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bahh seems like new twist on a old law that will do nothing but make some treehugger happy and giving some useless bureaucrat at the EPA a job. There has been import laws on the books for years. most places allow cars and bikes on the road that do not meet with the EPA emission standards or saftey or some such. Importing them for someone in the USA is almost imposable. This twist is now being used on temporary importing cars trucks and bikes. But there is a work around and here is the form it seems. http://www.epa.gov/oms/imports/forms/3520-1.pdf

In the end it seems as this "law" is bent all the time. 50 miles north of me it must happen 1,000's of time a day. There not importing there cars gust passing threw.
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