Selling is always possible, different issue is the right paperwork to sell properly. You do not say what kind of license plate is your bike. If it is Kenyan registered one and you are planning to leave Kenya with no CDP, the custom will keep your logbook, so you won´t have the title. If you have CDP and you sell the bike, you will miss your deposit. So I am not sure what you really want to do. So If you can arrive to Zimbabwe and someone wants to pay you money, take it and fly away. They will get the paperwork somehow.
In South Africa they love old BMW GS, Africa Twins, Super Teneres or even Transalp. But they are even harder to find in Kenya and, if you are lucky to find a good one, they are very expensive. But if they like it, they will cop with paperwork. There is also the chance to ship your bike to Europe from Cape Town, Port Elizabeth or Durban. But you need the title or logbook (something you also need to get the temporally import permit from SARS (ZA customs) when at any border to go in.
Anyway, Africa is Africa and I crossed it with no title at all and even got my Kenyan registered bike into the UE (and still riding it with Kenyan plates). I bought a good bike in Kenya (a lucky strike), rode it for some months and when finished my trip, I shipped it to Spain from Port Elizabeth. No paper work, no title, no CDP… just good fake documents and an arrogant self security.