The fluids will be up to the people doing the dangerous goods deculartion.. and they will probably determine if the thing is likely to be inverted that you have to drain the fluids .. if they think it won't be inverted tehn you will probably leave the fluids there. You'd do know the air line regs? ... No more than 1/4 of a tank of fuel .. that way it should not slosh out. Personaly I'd disconnect the battery/ies too, just to make certain.
I'd think you can leave the stuff in the van/car .. it will be a customs issue when you arive - they think people arriving are tourists and can take a reaonable amount in with them as they will be leaving with it .. but when the van/car arives they may think your going to sell the goods and make money .. so it will depend on their interpertaion .. best if the 'goods' are second hand 
Insurance? You'll be able to buy the minimum legally required .. after that .. no.
Austraila does not want other countries bugs .. so 'we' like things clean .. the rust is your problem .. if you arrive by road they think the bugs will travel across anyhow .. but when arriving by air/sea you could be bring in something they don't have. So they get fussy.. here if it is a problem they steam clean it .. and treat the run off too .. so that is expensive (and you pay). Best if you have it steam cleaned there - they don't have to treat the run off (so it is cheaper). Then WD40 it for the rust and they should be impressed? Or you could get all fussy too and paint it..
Regards Frank Warner
motorcycles BMW R80 G/S 1981, BMW K11LT 1993, BMW K75 G/S