shipping UK registered to US ?
My partner and I are queitly trvelling around the world in our Iveco 4x4.
We are in South Korea and intend to ship via sea container at end of next month.
The plan is to ship directly into Los Angeles.
But I have the following issues :
1) If vehicle is in sealed shipping container does it need to be emptied of all contents ? i.e. Can we ship vehicle with all our stuff and engine/fuel liquids on board ?
2) Insurance - this is proving problem, anybody know a company that offers US insurance for a foreign registered 'tourist' vehicle. ?
3) How fussy ? We have been 'warned' that 'scruffy' vehicles may not get permission to enter ? (similar rules to Australia ?) my truck is somewhat battered and little rusty round edges, will it be ok ?
pics of at :
any help really will be appreciated, be great if someone has actually done this recently and REALLY KNOWS the way in !