South African bureaucracy - to buy there or not????
:confused1:I am an American living in the USA. I am planning to buy a used motorcycle in South Africa (probably the Johannesburg area), register it in South Africa under my name, arrange for a Carnet de Passage up the eastern coast of Africa through Egypt and on into the EU. I plan to begin my trip in Johannesburg in March or April of 2011 and will be accompanied by a fellow traveler and HU member from Quebec, Canada on his own motorcycle.
I have been told that I will need a passport, a certificate of value from a motorcycle dealer (even though I am purchasing the bike from a private party?), evidence of a SA residence (I have a friend with whom I will be staying before and hopefully after this adventure who lives in Fourways, SA), and some money to get the motorcycle registration transferred into my name and a proper license plate.
Only then, I’ve been told, I can begin to arrange (make application) for a Carnet for the trip north.
It all sounds doable except that I've been told it may take "more than two months" to get a Carnet from the Automobile Association of SA and, although that can all be done online, one can only start the Carnet process after I have the bike registered in my name.
Furthermore, and most importantly, (I’ve been told by fellow bikers) “There is no way for me to get a bike I might purchase properly registered in my name without me actually being in SA.”
If that is true, it would mean that I have to go to SA and wait a day (to register the bike) and then "more than two months" (to get the Carnet) before I could go off on my trip north.
I have lots of time (about 6 months) before I plan to start on this journey to get everything arranged, IF it can be somehow done without me being in South Africa.
1. Do I have the correct understandings about the procedures in SA, so far? Or, is there a process whereby I can register a motorcycle in my name in SA before I actually get myself to SA?
2. Is there a requirement for liability insurance in the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU) which I believe includes Namibia and Botswana as well as South Africa? If so, how does one go about obtaining the appropriate insurance?
3. Are there any other hurtles – for example, a bike safety inspection or a South African driver’s license for me – I have my American license and an International Driver’s License - that I would need to jump in order to get my “new” South African registered motorcycle appropriately documented under South African regulations/laws?
I've been shopping for a bike and have a nice slightly used dual sport picked out (I’ve not made a deal yet), but I am reluctant to buy any motorcycle before I have resolved all legalities of registration/licensing and obtaining a Carnet that would then ensue.
Oh, one other question: Would it be possible for me to ride a motorcycle within the SACU (South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana) without first obtaining a Carnet?
Any guidance on these matters will be greatly appreciated.
"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving." Lao Tzu