Originally Posted by Landroverholic
Is the TIP is now given for a three month period as standard at the border?
I thought that it was only for two weeks initially and had to be extended once in Russia? I hope I am wrong as this would certainly simplify things.
The TIP is now usually issued for a maximum of 3 months IF your Visa allows you to be here that long.
If you only have (say) 2 weeks remaining on your Visa, they will (should!) only give 2 weeks to the vehicle you are bringing in.
Once in RUS, but before the TIP expires, you can get it extended to a year (i.e. a further 9 months) but, again, only if you can produce a Visa or Residency Permit that allows you to remain in RUS that long - and even though you may have a year visa, they will consider the 90 day limit condition on it.
This is all free of charge although at the busiest locations (such as the Moscow area offfice) you will save up to a day waiting on the queue list by quietly 'persuading' an officer to do it instantly. (2 or 3K roubles accidentally dropped on the desk usually does the trick!).