Personally I have an insurrance with 'Interpartner Assistance'. Don't know if they exist in the UK.
They have a good cover for about 150 Euro's and last year your bike was also covered in Marocco. Off course the rest of the EU is also covered.
The personal part of the insurrance is broad and good worldwide.
I personally know a doctor who accompanies 'medic flights' for them. Wich I think is a good reference. They don't look after a penny if your in need of help or need to get home quickly.
In Belgium this insurance is for sure not the cheapest, but... (and this is just a personal opinion):
For my insurances I have this 'personal-insurance-broker' (is that how you call it?).
I look for best quality/price combination and I have to point out that some of Grants famous words go for insurances too:
You get what you pay for.
Out experience I know this is true.
I am not sure if this is what you wonna go cheap on. BEcause if you need them, you really do!