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Trip Paperwork Covers all documentation, carnets, customs and country requirements, how to deal with insurance etc.
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Old 22 Mar 2011
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Turkey and Iran Visa and carnet question.

im riding into turkey from either Bulgaria or Greece. some places ive read turkey does not reqiuire carnet and some places ive read they do.. what do you guys say?

also do i need to get a Visa on my pasport for turkey? i have an American passport

secondly for Iran, can i get a carnet at the border? can i just go to the border and bribe somebody? im going to be in Iran for a max of 10-15 days. i have some friends in tehran too.. Also do i need a visa for Iran? i plan on entering Iran on my Pakistani passport. should i get a visa or i can get on the border..

thanks for the help.
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Old 22 Mar 2011
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Do you have 2 valid passports: valid for minimum 6 months after your entrance.
Mehmet Zeki Avar
''Borderlines divide countries,HU friendship finds a way to reunited"
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Old 22 Mar 2011
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Sorry I cannot help on what visas you´re gonna need. For example your country´s foreign ministry should have info on that.

Turkey does not require a carnet for foreign bikes.

Iran officially does, but some claim it can also be handled at the border - I cannot confirm this, as I had the carnet, when I crossed into Iran. Just bribing your way in might turn out more complex than you think.
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Old 22 Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet View Post
Do you have 2 valid passports: valid for minimum 6 months after your entrance.
yes i have 2 valid passports US and PAK
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Old 22 Mar 2011
Mehmet Zeki Avar's Avatar
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ok.information for entering Turkey by motocycle.

USA.passport holders.
multiple visa available for 90 days at the border gates.

PAK.passport holders.
Visa must be stamped on your passport page by the consulate in your home town. we do the same to enter Pakistan and did so even for our search rescue team members who are still there.

If your bike is USA.registered,
insurance available at the border gates.Ipsala and Kapıkule.
(About 10 euros for 1 month)
The bike will be stamped on your passport page and will be cleared when you leave Turkey.It can stay in Turkey for 6 months, if you are retired and this confirmed by theTurkish Consulate, it can stay for 1 year whether with you or without you.
EU.customs borders are included Turkeys.So you must have the carnet to
leave Turkey and enter Iran.Carnet available both at east and west border gates.T.T.O.K.(visit Turkish Touring and automobile club offices).

For Iran, it's better you check on net which passport will give you more official advantage.(Ministry of External Affairs).But ı'm sure Pakistan passport
will have more advantage for friendships.

2 riders of our club is in Zahedan today going to China.You can check their experiences in İran on the webpage.
Trans Asia - Burak Galip Akkurt - Ismail Gumus

If you come to Turkey, you are welcome to our club garage for welcome drinks and adventure talks. And you will be the first Pakistan rider we have
met since 1968.

Wish you all the best.
mehmet z. avar

Mehmet Zeki Avar
''Borderlines divide countries,HU friendship finds a way to reunited"
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Old 23 Mar 2011
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istanbul bisiklet motosiklet explaned most of the things. however, i would like to correct a little issue. unless you have Turkish registered bike, you can not obtain carne de passage from Turkish Touring and automobile club.

carne de passage (cdp) is issued where your bike is registered. so, you have to have cdp before you leave. this subject has been discussed in some topic.
"search and you shell find!"

good luck
ozhan u.
website under construction
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Old 23 Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet View Post
ok.information for entering Turkey by motocycle.

USA.passport holders.
multiple visa available for 90 days at the border gates.

PAK.passport holders.
Visa must be stamped on your passport page by the consulate in your home town. we do the same to enter Pakistan and did so even for our search rescue team members who are still there.

If your bike is USA.registered,
insurance available at the border gates.Ipsala and Kapıkule.
(About 10 euros for 1 month)
The bike will be stamped on your passport page and will be cleared when you leave Turkey.It can stay in Turkey for 6 months, if you are retired and this confirmed by theTurkish Consulate, it can stay for 1 year whether with you or without you.
EU.customs borders are included Turkeys.So you must have the carnet to
leave Turkey and enter Iran.Carnet available both at east and west border gates.T.T.O.K.(visit Turkish Touring and automobile club offices).

For Iran, it's better you check on net which passport will give you more official advantage.(Ministry of External Affairs).But ı'm sure Pakistan passport
will have more advantage for friendships.

2 riders of our club is in Zahedan today going to China.You can check their experiences in İran on the webpage.
Trans Asia - Burak Galip Akkurt - Ismail Gumus

If you come to Turkey, you are welcome to our club garage for welcome drinks and adventure talks. And you will be the first Pakistan rider we have
met since 1968.

Wish you all the best.
mehmet z. avar

great help, a lot of important information that i was looking for thank you so much.. i will come see you in ur club garage. once i map out the exact route ill msg you and ask for your info..
around ur garage/club is there a cheap place to stay and park the bike?
i will be carrying a tent with me, anyplace to pitch the tent?
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Old 23 Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by ozhanu View Post
istanbul bisiklet motosiklet explaned most of the things. however, i would like to correct a little issue. unless you have Turkish registered bike, you can not obtain carne de passage from Turkish Touring and automobile club.

carne de passage (cdp) is issued where your bike is registered. so, you have to have cdp before you leave. this subject has been discussed in some topic.
"search and you shell find!"

good luck
so there is no way into iran with out cdp? i cant afford a cdp form here the US. they require too much money almost 50% of my trip.
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Old 27 Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by khan View Post
im riding into turkey from either Bulgaria or Greece. some places ive read turkey does not reqiuire carnet and some places ive read they do.. what do you guys say?

also do i need to get a Visa on my pasport for turkey? i have an American passport

secondly for Iran, can i get a carnet at the border? can i just go to the border and bribe somebody? im going to be in Iran for a max of 10-15 days. i have some friends in tehran too.. Also do i need a visa for Iran? i plan on entering Iran on my Pakistani passport. should i get a visa or i can get on the border..

thanks for the help.
A CdP is required to enter your bike into Iran.
Assuming your bike is USA-registered, it would be difficult if not impossible
to enter Iran using your PAK passport riding with a USA-registered vehicle.

As Mehmet says above:
" For Iran, it's better you check on net which passport will give you more official advantage.(Ministry of External Affairs).But ı'm sure Pakistan passport will have more advantage for friendships."

But it's actually a "worse"/ more complicated situation. Iran Ministry will not
issue personal visa to USA-passport holder unless that person is part of an "organized" group or tour arranged through an approved Iran-based travel agent on a pre-approved itinerary. Even if you can afford time & money to make these arrangements, such visa approvals for USA-passport holders also depend a lot on current political climate; very unlikely in current climate.

That leaves your PAK passport as only likely option to enter Iran; and as Mehmet says, you need to find out exact procedure for Iran Ministry to approve visa for PK-passport holder.

That means--in your circumstances--if you are intend to enter & travel inside Iran, the only scenario that might work is:
1) you get Iran visa to enter on your PK passport;
2) you ride USA-registered bike to Turkey-Iran border or nearby city, e.g.
Van, Turkey.
3) you find & leave USA-registered bike in some secure storage in Turkey;
4) you enter Iran and travel inside Iran by alternate public transporation, e.g. bus, taxi or train; returning to wherever you left USA-registered bike.
5) I don't know all the alternate transportation mode details, but I'm quite sure you can also fly or train from Van, Turkey into Iran and return to Turkey;
see, e.g., Turkish Airlines - TK - International Home Page, and Trains Turkey <&mdash;> Iran.
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Old 27 Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by CourtFisher View Post
A CdP is required to enter your bike into Iran.
Assuming your bike is USA-registered, it would be difficult if not impossible
to enter Iran using your PAK passport riding with a USA-registered vehicle.

As Mehmet says above:
" For Iran, it's better you check on net which passport will give you more official advantage.(Ministry of External Affairs).But ı'm sure Pakistan passport will have more advantage for friendships."

But it's actually a "worse"/ more complicated situation. Iran Ministry will not
issue personal visa to USA-passport holder unless that person is part of an "organized" group or tour arranged through an approved Iran-based travel agent on a pre-approved itinerary. Even if you can afford time & money to make these arrangements, such visa approvals for USA-passport holders also depend a lot on current political climate; very unlikely in current climate.

That leaves your PAK passport as only likely option to enter Iran; and as Mehmet says, you need to find out exact procedure for Iran Ministry to approve visa for PK-passport holder.

That means--in your circumstances--if you are intend to enter & travel inside Iran, the only scenario that might work is:
1) you get Iran visa to enter on your PK passport;
2) you ride USA-registered bike to Turkey-Iran border or nearby city, e.g.
Van, Turkey.
3) you find & leave USA-registered bike in some secure storage in Turkey;
4) you enter Iran and travel inside Iran by alternate public transporation, e.g. bus, taxi or train; returning to wherever you left USA-registered bike.
5) I don't know all the alternate transportation mode details, but I'm quite sure you can also fly or train from Van, Turkey into Iran and return to Turkey;
see, e.g., Turkish Airlines - TK - International Home Page, and Trains Turkey <&mdash;> Iran.

Great help. i appreciate you guys helping me out here.

have any of you ever heard about Mr. Hossein?
Iran Overland :: Travel to Iran Tabriz

ive heard he helps you get the CDP at the Irani Boarder

ive talked to him a few times and seems like he will be very help full.

as i stated before, if i have to get a CDP for Iran, i cant do the trip as i dont have enough money. i have to either cancel the plan and do it in maybe 5-8 years. or just go right now try to get CDP at border, if i cant then try to change the route. or third option would be to ship the bike somewhere else.

any thoughts on
Iran Overland :: Travel to Iran Tabriz
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Old 28 Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by khan View Post
Great help. i appreciate you guys helping me out here.

have any of you ever heard about Mr. Hossein?
Iran Overland :: Travel to Iran Tabriz

ive heard he helps you get the CDP at the Irani Boarder

ive talked to him a few times and seems like he will be very help full.

as i stated before, if i have to get a CDP for Iran, i cant do the trip as i dont have enough money. i have to either cancel the plan and do it in maybe 5-8 years. or just go right now try to get CDP at border, if i cant then try to change the route. or third option would be to ship the bike somewhere else.

any thoughts on
Iran Overland :: Travel to Iran Tabriz
No personal experience with Mr. Hossein.
The last specific entry on his website that mentions being able to obtain a CDP at Iranian border/ Barzagan for a USA-registered vehicle is dated 2005.

If you continue to talk with Hossein, I suggest you be absolutely clear about your personal paperwork circumstances, i.e., a combination of USA-registered bike + (if I understand) either USA passport or PAK passport; and that he is able to facilitate/ arrange your personal Iran Visa entry + vehicle CDP entry under these circumstances--at some cost you are able to afford--in today's 2011 political context.

Not saying he can't do it; only that you should be sure he understands your personal situation before you commit to riding all the way to Iran border.

Iran is a wonderful country to ride in, and I hope it works for you.
If Hossein is able to arrange you + bike entry, please post back how it works. Good luck!
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Old 28 Mar 2011
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If you pay for it, even King Husseın may come to the border to make your paperworks.
Mehmet Zeki Avar
''Borderlines divide countries,HU friendship finds a way to reunited"
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Old 29 Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by CourtFisher View Post
No personal experience with Mr. Hossein.
The last specific entry on his website that mentions being able to obtain a CDP at Iranian border/ Barzagan for a USA-registered vehicle is dated 2005.

If you continue to talk with Hossein, I suggest you be absolutely clear about your personal paperwork circumstances, i.e., a combination of USA-registered bike + (if I understand) either USA passport or PAK passport; and that he is able to facilitate/ arrange your personal Iran Visa entry + vehicle CDP entry under these circumstances--at some cost you are able to afford--in today's 2011 political context.

Not saying he can't do it; only that you should be sure he understands your personal situation before you commit to riding all the way to Iran border.

Iran is a wonderful country to ride in, and I hope it works for you.
If Hossein is able to arrange you + bike entry, please post back how it works. Good luck!
im going to make sure he knows what he is talking about before trusting him and doing 20K miles to go see him.. i called him today, somehow seems legit.

Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet View Post
If you pay for it, even King Husseın may come to the border to make your paperworks.
hahah of course :P
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Old 1 May 2011
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Upsides and Downsides

Originally Posted by khan View Post
secondly for Iran, can i get a carnet at the border? can i just go to the border and bribe somebody? im going to be in Iran for a max of 10-15 days.
I'm planning Turkey to Iran by motorbike in a few months, through the Serou border. My research indicates:

1. Many people get into Iran without a carnet, but it involves 6+ hours of paperwork and you may be limited to 14 days in Iran.
2. You most definately won't be able to travel further east without a carnet.
3. If you don't have a carnet you're open to insurance scams and it involves some 'costs' at the border.

There's alot of hassle and cost involved in obtaining a carnet, but without one you run the risk of travelling all the way to Iran only to be turned away. End of your trip!

Personally, I'm undecided.

I'd be interested in how much Mr. Hossain charges for his services?
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Old 1 May 2011
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Originally Posted by khan View Post
Great help. i appreciate you guys helping me out here.

have any of you ever heard about Mr. Hossein?
Iran Overland :: Travel to Iran Tabriz

ive heard he helps you get the CDP at the Irani Boarder

ive talked to him a few times and seems like he will be very help full.

as i stated before, if i have to get a CDP for Iran, i cant do the trip as i dont have enough money. i have to either cancel the plan and do it in maybe 5-8 years. or just go right now try to get CDP at border, if i cant then try to change the route. or third option would be to ship the bike somewhere else.

any thoughts on
Iran Overland :: Travel to Iran Tabriz
i was in deal with mr. hossein along my first trip to iran (2000). i was at the bazargan border without Carnet, he helped me to solve the problem. we went to the custom chef in Bazargan, where he's explained to the "boss" the misunderstanding with the agency in tehran wich were told me i could had get the carnet at the border. but, obiviously, it wasn't true. the boss trusted mr. hossein, wich was my guarantee with the custom and had the bike data signed on the passport beside the iranian visa. after three weeks i went back to bazargan on the way back to italy and i've paid to mr. hossein 70$ for his own involvment. but entering at the turkey custom i was stuck into no man's land because tehy've requesting me the carnet as they've assumed i had it as i was coming from iran. i was able to convince the officier to check the exit register where my exit was been signed three weeks berfore. it was one of the most thrilling hour of my life...

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