UK Carnet extension headaches
Just wanted to share I've just had with the UK RAC Carnets department post some new changes they've made to the carnet extension process.
I'm back from my trip for 2 months and was intending to return to Africa mid July with an intention to finish my trip by early October. Unfortunately my 12month carnet was due to expire on 31st August, so I rang the RAC this morning to ask how to go about getting an extension.
Sadly I was informed by a member of staff that extensions are no longer possible in any scenario, so the only option for me would be to buy a WHOLE new carnet, going through the ENTIRE application process all over again. The deposit etc for my old carnet would only be returned to me once the old carnet is sent back to the RAC, which meaning my money gets tied up in TWO carnets at the same time for at least a few months (which I really can't afford!!). Plus, fees and costs have recently been "revised" so I can only imagine that means that the whole thing will cost even more than it did originally. Also, given I have to effectively have to make a fresh application, it'll take at least a month to process, meaning I'll have to delay my flight if I go down this route. Apparently there is no way to get my application fast-tracked etc.
Given I can't spare the time or the money, I'm just going to have to fly back early and make sure I'm all done by 31st August - a real shame as I'd hoped to continue on with my journey without coming up against a firm deadline, whereas now my adventure is going to be compressed into a shorter timeframe than I'd hoped.
I've given my feedback to RAC that this new procedure will provide a major obstacle to most overlanders on a budget and that (from me at least) they'll be missing out on any fees they might have taken for extension etc but thought it was worth sharing in case anyone else is thinking of extending. Also, if anyone reading this has another idea how I can get around this problem - please do let me know!