Urgent: need advice crossing border from Uruguay as foreigner w/ Uruguayan bike
Hello fellow motorbike adventurers!
Me and a friend of mine planned a great motorcycle trip from Uruguay to Argentina, Chile and finally Bolivia. So we flew from Amsterdam to Montevideo (we are both Dutch nationals) and purchased last week two motorcycles in Montevideo. We arranged insurence etc and the necessary paperwork.
Next step was to cross the border between Uruguay and Argentina at a place called Frey Bantos. At the border however, we were told we could not leave Uruguay since we are Dutch nationals with an Uruguayan licensed motorbike. Apperently, only Uruguayan citizens may leave Uruguay with a vehicle. The sour thing is that I knew that Argentina had this policy, so thats why we flew to Uruguay in the first place! Apperently we are the first ones to try it from Uruguay, because I couldnt find this information on the internet (and I searched for quite some time).
Anyway, we are stuck now in this border town Frey Bantos. At the border however, we met a really nice and helpfull couple, of which the guy was coincidentally also a member of HorizonsUnlimited! They suggested that we went back to the border town, find two people with motorcycle drivers license, go to a public notary and then give them written permission to ride our bikes. These people will then drive the motors trough customs (showing our permission to ride our bikes, which are of course still on our name). We will walk trough customs, without our vehicle, are allowed trough and collect our bike across the border from the two Uruguayans. They will then return to Uruguay and everybody is happy afterwards (including the Uruguayans, because we will pay them dollars).
Now before we are trying to arrange this (which wont be THAT easy, since neither of us is very fluent in Spanish) we would like to be sure that this works. I know that this type of approach has worked in Argentina, but do I miss perhaps some details here? Should the Uruguayan national show a green card (insurence) at the border? And should this be our greencrad or should they arrange one for themselves?
Anyway, I really hope some of you could enlighten me a bit on this. Right now we are stuck here, and we want to get moving!