Vehicle overstay in Uruguay
Hi, here's my problem.
Last January (2016) I left my Land Rover in Uruguay and flew out of the country. The 12-month vehicle permit runs out next month but for health reasons, returning in order to remove the vehicle might be unwise or the doc might say I can't travel. Thus I'm keen to be aware of my possible options.
From someone in Uruguay I received advice "to cross at a different border from which I entered, at a time when there's little tourist traffic, and at una hora 'especial' (a 'particular' or -possibly- 'unusual' time')." (I haven't asked yet what he means by this last bit but the advice is very odd, to my mind! I've crossed a lot of S. Am. borders with this vehicle and hardly think I can hope that it will become invisible because "there's little tourist traffic" or the time is "especial".)
One thing I thought of is to contact Uruguayan customs directly (by e-mail), state my case and see if they reply.
I'm hoping that someone reading this will have some good advice.