Getting a double entry visa for Iran is not easy , certainly if you already have your visa. You can always try to get it at the bureau where they normaly give the extensions, the adress is in the LP-guide. We are currently in Islamabad and to play it safe we asked a new visa for Iran from here to get back to Belgium in case we can't make it to India. With the help of an agency (try the website of iranparadise (45 us per person) or key2persia (30 us dollar per person)) we got our refrence number in 4 days and with that number the visa in 2 days (costs 3100 r in Islamabad).
See you on the KKH ? For the moment all is OK here.
Iris and Trui
2 belgian women, usually travelling on bikes (now on DR650SE's)
Iris and Trui
2 belgian women, often travelling on motorbikes (now on DR650SE\'s)
2nd overland from home to Northern India and back, April-October 2002