Originally Posted by Sjakkelian
.. apparently since 2007 you can only apply for a visa in your country of residence.
This is incorrect, although Fees and processing times can be greater for Visa Applications from Non-Nationals in the country where the application is made.
Also, for example, looking at the UK Russian Embassy's website Russian Consulate you will see the above is confirmed on the Tourist Visas general information pages, under the sections Postal Applications and Personal Applications.
This also might imply that Non-Nationals can only make Personal or Postal applications which, if so, may be why Agencies might not do them.
Another point, if there is the choice and money is tight, is that Visa Fees vary depending on which Country you apply from - I understand in Finland and France they are cheaper then in the UK. Searching Embassy local websites will confirm this - or not!
Another suggestion is to take a ferry direct from Estonia to Finland, by-passing Russia altogether.
Last edited by Tony P; 26 Apr 2008 at 13:48.