What´s the deal with Egypt and Carnet?
What is the deal with Egypt and Carnet de Passage? Im being told by the Finnish Automobil Club (Mottoriliitto) That the Carnet they issue is not walid for entering Egypt.
The Danish guy who Im going to be traveling with is geting his Carnet from the Danish FDM, and they say that Egypt is not a problem.
I asked FDM if I can get a Carnet trough them,but they say that since im a Finnish Citizen I have to get it from the Finnish organisation.
But in Finland they say that if the Danes can issue a carnet that is valid in Egypt then they have no problem with me obtaining a Carnet in Denmark since it´s allso an EU country.
When I read trough the posts on this forum I can see that you have to make a deposit when you enter Egypt, If that is the case do you still need a Carnet?
Im confused:confused1:
Places to be and things to do, see you all out there!!