Where can I organise a Carne de Passage?
I am currently in Istanbul, and have been reading about my need for a CdP to travel to Iran, Pakistan and India. Can anyone help me with information on where I can get one here in Turkey? Obviously I want to have all paperwork in order. Also, do you need to be fully insured or can you buy insurance at the border for each country? If I need full insurance can anyone suggest where an Australian in Turkey can get it? Thanks for any help
I should add I bought the bike in Austria, with 21 day temporary plates and the only place I could register it was Latvia, after a week of hassles ie "selling" it to a friend I met in Lithuania, him regidtering it in Lithuania, then him "selling" it back to me (no money actually changed hands) then me registering it in Latvia and changing over the name of owner. So I'm an Australian on a Latvian registered bike, in Turkey trying to get a CdP for Iran, Pakistan and India! No wonder I'm confused....but I can lift heavy things!
Last edited by Aussieuralrider; 7 Nov 2008 at 22:19.