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Trip Transport Shipping the vehicle and yourself.
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Old 21 Sep 2015
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Originally Posted by mococaman View Post
See from what I understood while speaking to them on three or four different occasions was that the problem was once you got to the deatination in South America.
They said that they are still flying motorcycles to Europe, just not SA. I called them up on their 1-800 number in Toronto.
Regardless what they told you, THEY ARE FLYING BIKES TO BUENOS AIRES, we are here at destination and help a guy last week with his clearance. Sorry if I’m repetitive, but here isn’t any problem at arrival with customs.

Ask them which specific problems they refer or at the end tell them that they can send your bike and let you to deal with that at arrival…

Based on our experience usually cargo division of Airlines don’t like to deal directly with the public, worst if they are bikers, look for a Forwarder Agent usually they buy a lot of space to the airlines so they don’t says No to an specific kind of sending…

Here the photo of the bike arrived with Air Canada last week at Ezeiza BA Airport just cleared (maybe the owner will see it and will confirm what I’m saying)
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Air Canada Cargo Killer Deal-12046717_875480622520621_7329313556334586968_n.jpg  

Dakar Motos “ ”
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Old 22 Sep 2015
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What you said about the freight forwarder could be correct but I called them today again after the first post and they said the same thing.
They said they will not fly the bike to any location in south america and will only be flying to Europe until September 30 and then won't be flying bikes there anymore this year.
You might be right but if so point me in the right direction because I would like to fly my bike down to Buenos Aires for $950 Canadian when buying my ticket.
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Old 22 Sep 2015
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Originally Posted by mococaman View Post
What you said about the freight forwarder could be correct but I called them today again after the first post and they said the same thing.
They said they will not fly the bike to any location in south america and will only be flying to Europe until September 30 and then won't be flying bikes there anymore this year.
You might be right but if so point me in the right direction because I would like to fly my bike down to Buenos Aires for $950 Canadian when buying my ticket.

So, for what I understood (sorry but English isn’t my mother language)

They only are saying that they don’t will do it for the $950CND???

They aren’t saying that they are no longer transporting motorcycles to any destination in South America because there have been many difficulties for their customers clearing customs and for reason stopped this service????

Here is where it comes that that difficulties never was existed.
And this is what concerns me to make it very clear. This is a lie from AC office there to hide why they can not provide what they promote.
The difficulties never happens and I think I explained about this on the other thread

Customers clearing customs at Buenos Aires didn’t have any difficulties, they only have to pay the local charges for documentation and airport logistics at this end as any other customer from any other airline, and customs nothing have to do with this.

But they will still made it at the usually prices they use to manage for this kind of cargos??? (without the promotion)
I know is a rhetoric question as we just received a bike from them…

So please say it right, they only will stop the promotion, not to fly bikes…
Please, others trying to send their bikes with AC or with other Air Lines will worry if this isn’t clear.

Sorry but I can not point you in to the right direction if what you pretend is to fly your bike to BA for $950CND (U$D 720.-), that price doesn’t exist in the real world. Usually people paid in around 4 times that or more for air freight down to SA and around 2 or 3 times for return from BA.
Here was a Canadian fellow who sent recently (few months ago) his girlfriend’s KLR from Calgary if I remember, with AC but without the promotion; anyway they paid a very cheap and reasonable price. I don’t know sure but I think they deal directly with the Vancouver AC office. For sure he will read this maybe in a few days and perhaps he will enlighten us a bit more.

If you would like to know what I wold do on your shoes (or tires): I would ride all the way down and then send the bike back on a much affordable price, even is the option to send it back from BA to Mia (the cheapest form South to North) and then ride back the rest…
Dakar Motos “ ”
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Old 22 Sep 2015
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From what I understood they had a promotion from Toronto to Buenos Aires for $950 Canadian.

I don't know exactly why they stopped flying motorcycles to South America but they did. ( The people I spoke with didn't speak great English)

From what I understood they will only be flying bikes to Europe until September 30. I do not know if you will be able to fly the bike with them but if so it's probably 2-3 times more expensive than it currently is. But from what I understood NO they are not flying motorcycles to those locations anymore.

If I fly the bike down to South America I would probably try to sell it down there. It would not come back with me because the value of my vstrom 650 worth less than the overall shipping price.
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Old 22 Sep 2015
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Executive summary:

You both agree that Air Canada does not air freight bikes cheaply to South America.

Mococaman has been told that Air Canada does not air freight bikes to South America for any price. On the other hand, Javier offers convincing evidence that Air Canada does indeed air freight bikes to Buenos Aires.

Far as I can tell, Javier wins this argument by virtue of being on the ground in B.A., observing bikes flown in by Air Canada. Javier does have certain inherent advantages in the debate--for example, Javier's altogether-charming wife supports his wastrel, indolent, otherwise-valueless lifestyle by importing bikes from around the world. By comparison, Mococaman has apparently not yet set foot in South America.

See how I leap to your defense, Javier? I'm on your side. Really.


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Old 22 Sep 2015
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This is the dumbest thread I've ever seen. I hope that Air Canada Cargo does fly motorcycles to Buenos Aires. I would like for them to ship mine down there. I spoke with them on September 21 around 2 pm EST as well as about five other times this past week and the answer is always the same. The people I talk to from Air Canada Cargo barely speak enough english as it is.
To reiterate if Air Canada cargo does ship to BA and ships for a reasonable price please let me know because I would like to take advantage of it.
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Old 8 Oct 2015
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I will add my recent experience.

It smells bad...

Hi Fred,

Sorry I should have clarified. South America was not included in the promo anyways.

The cost to send you motorcycle from Vancouver to Santiago would be $7200.00 cad. This would be a one way price.


Customer Sales Support Manager, Cargo
Chef du Soutien – Ventes clientele - Fret

Subject: Re: Quote for shipping a motorcycle so Santiago del Chile from Calgary

Damn! I did not know that there was an offer for South America. I was aware of the discount flying and riding to Europe.
Yes please quote me anyway.
Thank you.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Raj wrote:

Hello Fred,

Our Fly Your Bike promotion ended on September 30 2015. Would you still like the normal rates?


Customer Sales Support Manager, Cargo
Chef du Soutien – Ventes clientele - Fret
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Old 8 Oct 2015
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Just to probe that they are completely nuts lately, on last March 7 from Calgary to Buenos Aires. Without the promotional price as that was only possible from Toronto or Montreal (see the old flyer) 1643.- CAD (what is very cheap for North to South) this was for a KLR650, …. Don’t know what to say but that doesn’t mean that they have problems with customs in SA, only that they don’t want to deal directly with bikers and give you a “go away” price.
Will try to personally contact the guys from this shipment to ask to post here with whom he was talking.
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Dakar Motos “ ”
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Old 28 Oct 2015
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Originally Posted by stubdetoe View Post
Air Canada Motorcycle Shipment Insane deal!

Just got quoted shipment of my bike from Toronto to Heathrow for $1000 Cdn, all in on a pallet in the belly of a wide body Air Canada. If I was to book my flight the cost would drop to $700!! Two weeks ago I was quoted $3250 for the same flight plus about $400 in fees at either end. You can only book 30 days prior to departure, so get your guaranteed quote for the next year sooner than later. Apparently these prices will be in effect for the rest of 2015, and they will soon be adding more destinations world wide.

The outgoing flights must originate from Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver and go to many European and South America destinations, basically wherever AC flys wide body jets for similar rock bottom prices.

These prices can be booked direct with Air Canada Cargo in Toronto, or through one of their forwarding companies that they deal with regularly. I use Roddy Warriner​ at Motofreight in the UK--a fellow GS rider himself--he will treat you fairly and well. If you are shipping into Canada, see him first as he can get you the same deal and handle all the Dangerous Good papers at that end. He can also help with paperwork from North America destinations. He knows his stuff.
I have a quote myself from Motorcycleexpress for Ams-Chicago and return LA-Ams at 2790$. And as you mentioned; guaranteed price, but only able to book 30 days in advance. As I am planning a 2 months trip to US 2016 I am very keen on how your planning is going on. I am not sure which airfreight they use as Chicago and LA is yet not on the Air Canada destinations?
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Old 29 Oct 2015
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This is what I just (2015/10/30) received from AC:

Unfortunately, our Fly Your Bike program ended 1OCT. We may start again in the spring. Please email back in January if your still interested.


see also: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...3-3#post519421
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Old 1 Nov 2015
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AIR CANADA. Argentina to Toronto Canada

Hey everyone,

Im looking to ship my bike home near Christmas and I was quoted $2,080.00USD from Buenos Aires to Toronto?

Where did you find this amazinf deal fro $1000.00?

Am I getting ripped off?

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Old 1 Nov 2015
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That deal supposedly went through September 30. I called them a month before that date and they said they didn't have any kind of promotion like that.
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Old 5 Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by Wauschi View Post
This is what I just (2015/10/30) received from AC:
see also: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...3-3#post519421

I am hoping that Air Canada resumes their shipping program this year as promised. Any news lately?

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Old 27 Feb 2016
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update from Frankfurt Air Canada Air Cargo-no decision on 2016 yet

I emailed AC's air cargo staff in Toronto asking about the program for 2016. That was a couple weeks ago. No response from them.

2 days ago I sent a similar request for information to Air Canada's air cargo department in Frankfurt. I received a reply from them the next day.

My inquiry:

I am looking for information about the resumption this year of the motorcycle shipping option you offered last year to and from selected points in Canada and Europe. Will this program be resumed in 2016? Any specific information you can provide will be appreciated. If that information is limited to a statement that the program will not be offered this year, while unfortunate, that will allow me to look to other options. If there is an upcoming date that information will be available, that also will be useful. My desire would be to ship from either Toronto, Calgary, Montreal or Vancouver, to Frankfurt, and then to return ship my motorcycle from Frankfurt to one of the mentioned destinations in Canada.


Thank you in advance for your reply

Their response:

thank you very much for your Email, but unfortunately till now we did not received any information from headquarter.

We kindly request you to keep on checking our website to see for any update.

Thank you and best regards

Gabriela Vaclavik

Cargo Sales Agent

Pretty sure I'm not the only one anxiously awaiting news on this. Looks like we're still waiting.
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Old 6 Mar 2016
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New info on AC cargo web site

Now showing 2016 program will resume May 1:
AC DGR for the shipment of dangerous goods - Air Canada Cargo

Says 'check back for updated information.'

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