Well, I tried but it just wasn't going to happen. The main problem is that the only airlineswith direct flights (COPA, TAME) use planes with cargo doors which are too small to take my bike. The maximum size cargo they take is 80cm high x 110cm width and, depending on who you talk to, 180 or 200cm length. Taking out the front wheel on my NTV would have got it's length to a whisker under 200cm so with a pallet or crate it's length may have exceeded the maximum length. The cheapest airline which could take it was LanChile. However they go via either Miami or Santiago and were asking about $800. Other quotes were $1400 from Arrow Air and over $2000 from Chioce Cargo. I am now in Guayaquil sorting out shipping as I encountered the same size problem with airlines/airfreight companies here.