we might have a solution for one of you!
we are the three official ambassadors for unicef new zealand campaigning against poliomelitis around the world. obviously, we are travelling by motorcycles.
currently, we are in cartagena, colombia. in about 10-14 days we will arrive in panama-city.
one of us, juergen, broke his arm in ecuador a few months ago. however, this did not happen riding his bike but playing soccer!
thus, we had to sell on of our three bikes there. in panama we are meeting again and therefore, we will be short of one bike.
my mate mario is looking for a bike in panama to ride it to california from where he and i will have to return to our countries for a while. he is an excellent, experienced, defensive rider.
now, if you are interested in this solution there is two possibilities:
1. mario rides one of your bikes back to wherever you live in california. we will arrive there around mid-january 2002.
2. mario buys a bike of you (you could also buy it back of him later if you like)
either way you could save on the shipment. should you decide on solution no.1 we would need a letter verified by a notary - a question of an hour, cheap. we did the same with juergens bike in ecuador. - stating that mario is allowed to drive your bike back to california.
please mail your answer asap to:
for credentials please visit our website:
there you will also find a letter from unicef new zealand confirming our status.
cheers, d