Anyone shipped out of India recently?
I've tried to do a search on the HUBB but the search facilities dont seem to be working, so I do apologise if someone points me in the direction of an already existing thread that can help......
We really need as much info as poss from anyone that has recently shipped out of India back to the UK. Crazymanneil said they chose not to ship out of India, and out of Nepal instead.
My boyfriend and I are both seasoned Indian travellers so kind of know what to expect, and we werent planning heading north to Nepal, but south south south to south India.
Has anyone got any input? Companies to use, places to ship from, rough costs, how much of a ball ache it was! 
One thing we were wondering is are there any stops on your leaving the country without something to state your bike has already left the country?
Muchos gracias!
Don't be scared your life may end,
Be scared that it may never begin.......