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Trip Transport Shipping the vehicle and yourself.
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Old 27 Oct 2010
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Hi Guys,

I shipped with a company called "ct freight" in Sydney to Malaysia and found them to be perfect. I rode my bike to their yard, put it in a create I had a friend bring over in his ute for me, had the customs inspection done right in front of me before wrapping it in pallet wrap and waving goodbye.

A few days later I flew to Malaysia and booked myself into a hotel. In the morning the cargo guys picked me up and brought me to their storage facility where they had already completed most of the paperwork. They then helped me put the bike back together and brought me to the exit where I showed some ID before heading off down the motorway ( in the wrong direction). Everything else was flawless.

On the other hand I got totally ****ed over by a company called freightline on the way back in, Another story.
Ride on
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Old 27 Oct 2010
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In Apr 2008, I sent my DL650 by sea from Sydney to Helsinki with this company:
Home: Tradelanes Global Solutions
(they´re in Melbourne, but used their agents in Sydney)
I had the bike already crated, they just picked it up (it´s possible they could have handled crating, too, if needed). The paperwork was smooth, they responded quickly to e-mails & calls, and their price was actually surprisingly cheap, at about 500 euros (I was quoted elsewhere roughly 600-1200 euros by sea, and 1500-2000 by air).
It wasnt a complete success, though. Things on the minus side were:
- Original ETA was 42 days, but in reality it took ~60 to arrive, the claimed reason was the container had missed a change of vessel in Singapore - I´ve no info that this wasn´t true, it probably was... but it also seemed to take a long time, before the shipment left Sydney
- Picking it up at Helsinki port was a rip-off at over 150 euros (and I picked it up on the first possible day, so no overstay charges)
But both of these could well be out of their hands. And the bike arrived in good condition. So all in all, I´d recommend them.
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Old 27 Oct 2010
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Thanks for the replies so far,keep em coming.A big worry is a delay like you experienced with Tradelanes pecha72 or the one with get routed.ive emailed CT freight to see what they have to say.
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Old 27 Oct 2010
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Well, it seems quite common, that seafreight gets delayed for days or even weeks. May not be a whole lot a shipping agent can do, if that happens.

A bunch of riders once sent a container full of bikes from here to Alaska (by sea across Atlantic, then by truck thru North America)... and they timed their own arrival with the ETA of the shipment & ended up waiting for about a week in Anchorage. Were very pissed, when nobody seemed to know, exactly when the bikes would arrive.

If your trip is not finished, and you dont have a lot of extra time, then it may be a good idea to reach deeper into your pocket, and send by air. That usually moves on time, and even if there are delays, its normally just hours or a maximum few days.
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Old 3 Nov 2010
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re: Get Routed Warning

I don't know what happened to Crappybiker to cause his dissatisfaction with Get Routed but like many Australian & Kiwi riders I have used this dedicated bike shipping agency and was impressed with a highly personalised service.
Shipping goods across international borders is always an adventure - thats how the insurers classify it and dates & costs can vary in the course of the voyage. If you don't appreciate this you haven't travelled much and it is always wise to read the contract that you sign.
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Old 3 Nov 2010
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Ha,ha Mr "Warwick Biggs" your attitude sounds very familar to someone else...wonder who that could be?...yeah I didn't read the contract and I haven't travelled much. Im also glad you were impressed by the "highly personalised service" because if you had bother to read and listen....most people are not!...but then again they are probably just stupid annoying customers who like me can't read and never travel!...sure your didn't help with the website?....people with that kind of attitude in the end generally hang themselves!...Im just helping a little

Last edited by Crappybiker; 23 Nov 2010 at 04:36.
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Old 22 Nov 2010
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I used Get routed last year to ship my bike to CHC NZ.
I'm going again this year and guess what I'm renting.
Never again will Dave Milligan see a dollar of mine.
When I got to the depot to pick up my bike the sticker from the motor registry was not with my bike.
I tried to call Dave in Australia I got message bank.
Finally the bloke who did the road worth certificate got hold of Get Routed.
I then had to go back to the registry to collect a copy sticker.
They had no record of the paper work.
More calls to australia and we worked out that they had given the wrong rego number.
I went back ad gave them the incorrect rego number.
they gave me a new sticker.
I rode the whole trip with the wrong number on the temp sticker.
Glad I did not have an accident.

At the end of the trip I cleaned the bike and returned my bike to the depot.
Spoke to get routed about the re import form VIA not being at the depot.
He claimed that I should not have put his name as the agent and should have put my name on the permit. (He was the agent)
Anyway I had to contact the department and got them to send a copy to my home by express post.
I forwarded this to Dave Mulligan and he had it in his hand before supposedly flying to NZ to pack the bikes for the return journey.


Every week there was a new excuse-- containers missed ships others did not have paper work on and on the excuses went-- it was never Daves fault
He takes no responsibility and always finds someone else to blame.

I planned for the bike to be home to sell it before it was due for registration and insurance, in Feb. Well it was not back by the Mid of Feb My new bike arrived I had no bike to sell or trade-in Rego and insurance became due.

So I now had one bike in NZ, had to pay for the new one register 2 and Insure 2
this just after an Overseas holiday this was great for my cash flow... Dip into the mortgage.

My bike finally arrived in March. Tried to sell the bike, new model was available and many were being sold to upgrade prices had dropped by $1000-$1500 on bikepoint.com

I was lucky another bloke in our group Stephen finally got his bike back after mine without the panniers not sure if he ever got them he had flown up from Melbourne.
His wets and jacket were in the missing panniers he had to buy new gear to ride home.

Never again.

I bumped into Dave at the expo tent at Phillip Island at the supers, had a chat, guess what he said?? None of it was his fault and that I should get over it.

You decide if its worth it.
I have heard of many others in the same situation some much worse.

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Old 23 Nov 2010
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Dear Dave, (or Warwick)

After you emailed all of the "Gang" or customers (as we like to call ourselves) on the same shipment as me and singing your own praises...it looks like no one has agreed with you??....next time you could include me in the email?...and yes I am the one with the F800GS and no I am not hiding behind any fake name?.. Im just a bit of a Crappybiker!...you can always PM me??

Try learning something from this...try not to be so arrogant and at least act a bit more professionally, as I mentioned to you when you give a quote stick to it and don't try and feed me some bullshit about fuel oil prices going up and its out of your control!...you had three months to do this, funny that it was straight after my non-refundable deposit was paid that it suddenly went up! and just so you are crystal clear..I was never that bothered by the money or the extra week I had to spent in Portland waiting for my bike... it was your attitude and smart arse comments that I should read my contract and I was the idiot!...your website speaks volumes about your attitude!

GetRouted : Bike shipping and Tour Operator

Have a great day!


What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself. ~Abraham Lincoln

Last edited by Crappybiker; 24 Nov 2010 at 18:54.
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Old 23 Nov 2010
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Originally Posted by sydadvgs View Post
I bumped into Dave at the expo tent at Phillip Island at the supers, had a chat, guess what he said?? None of it was his fault and that I should get over it.

Quite simply this is very unprofessional.

For a company that has only a very limited market, killing repeat business is a sure way to a quick grave.

As with my dealing with Dave, I ended up doing all the work. He did essentially nothing to help and therefore adds no value and hence is not providing a service.

With enough evidence and first hand accounts it may be possible to mount a case and have the industry ombudsman investigate.
TurboCharger + Francois (our BMW R1200gs) '07
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Old 23 Nov 2010
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Who is Dave Milligan?

As there is no mention of the trading name or ABN on their website I started doing a little investigation of my own.

A quick search on ABNLookup - Welcome to ABN Lookup yelded the following result.

98 055 447 869
Entity Name
3040 VIC

ABN: 98 055 447 869
View ABN history
Last modified: 26 Jun 2002
ABN status: Active from 01 Jul 2000
Entity type: Family Partnership
GST registration status: Not currently registered for GST
Main business location
State: VIC
Postcode: 3040
Other registrations
Deductible Gift Recipient: Not entitled to receive tax deductible gifts

Also, an ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commision) search on http://www.abnsearch.com.au retrieved old data that is no reflected by ABNLookup and shows ARBN that doesn't seem to exist.

ABN 98055447869 Search Result
03 93510612
Fax03 93510612

A following search for the name 'GET ROUTED' returned three supposedly registered (or known) names as they don't appear in the ABNLookup search:

Legal/Trading Name Type ACN ABN ARBN State Docs
GET ROUTEDBusiness Name B1653578ZVIC
GET ROUTEDBusiness Name BN98444250NSW
GET ROUTED AUSTRALIA PTY LTDProprietary Company147209283

All of this should highlight that a (any) company that doesn't openly display their legally registered trading name and ABN in all communicaitons and on their website should be avoided and treated with the utmost caution.
TurboCharger + Francois (our BMW R1200gs) '07
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Old 24 Nov 2010
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Interesting that it says not registered for GST.
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Old 24 Nov 2010
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Businesses in Australia only need to register for GST if their turnover is greater than $75,000 pa.

So, depends on what their declared turnover is... could be legal could be dodgy.
TurboCharger + Francois (our BMW R1200gs) '07
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Old 24 Nov 2010
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Now I am even more nervous, Get Routed currently has about a big wad of our cash for New Zealand taxes, and our two bikes (insured for $50,000) are somewhere between BNE and CHC on the high seas (hopefully).

To be fair Get Routed invoices do state their ABN (at least the one I have does), and their invoice does not state that it is a "Tax Invoice" for GST purposes, nor does it list GST or use the words "Total including GST" as it must if they are collecting it on behalf of the ATO.

However, I live in hope that we will see our bikes again and the experience of biking in New Zealand will be all we expect.
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Old 24 Nov 2010
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This is an interesting thread.

I've got no axe to grind with any international freighting company; most of them are rip-off merchants IMHO.

BUT I have a strong suspicion that the supply of international transport - both outbound and inbound from /to Aus - is GST-free. You can check it all out with the ATO.

Thought it was worth mentioning as this juncture.


Right Way Round ...

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Old 24 Nov 2010
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This is a post from 2005...looks like the same kind of attitude has always been there, by the way in Dave's contract which I apparently did not read, Dave does not give refunds on deposits, I would have cancelled this shipment but as Dave waits until you book all your flights and makes all your plans he knows very well that if he suddenly changes the price that you will not cancel as you are the one who loses not him...As soon as the deposit is paid the attitude changes then its your fault because irrespective of common sense, morals, good business acumen, honesty, fairness and decency...its "you are the idiot because you need to read the contract and I can put up prices if I feel like it" or "Its out of my control as I don't know when fuel oil is going up and its in the contract"...clever eh?...quote a price get 20+ guys in a container and once the deal is all done and its close to the shipment date...send them all an invoice saying that its gone up....paid for your holiday in the USA this year Dave!


Quote from 2005 - (Everything was fine, the bike was arriving 3rd May and we could collect on the 5th which was excellant.Sent off the deposit, when the receipt came back the bike was leaving a week earlier and arriving two weeks late so not very happy; booked the flight the day we sent the deposit.(Arrive on the 5th in the UK).
Dave Milligans response was " well you'll just have to kill time in the UK for 10 days, or maybe longer, maybe "
So we'd gone from the bike will arrive on the 3rd, I can even tell you what ship its on, to I don't really know when its going to arrive.Big dramas.
Anyway now in the process of shipping by air with Qantas.)

As most of the more experienced guys tell you...Fly your bike as its generally much less hassle and in some cases cheaper!...or just buy/hire one!

Not grinding an axe but just explaining the facts so others do not experience this kind of thing and maybe Mr Milligan will think twice about the way he conducts business in the future!...but probably not!

Last edited by Crappybiker; 26 Nov 2010 at 02:44.
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