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Trip Transport Shipping the vehicle and yourself.
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Old 20 Jan 2011
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Thumbs down Muppet parade?

Originally Posted by Bob Latham View Post
We sent our bike to Portland with Dave this year. He was recommended to us by friends who sent their bike with him to Portland in 2009.To those whingers, you can't make government departments jump when you want them to,especially in the USA on their fourth of July long weekend. It was dissappointing that the bikes were held up for a week,we do sympathise with the BMW guys who missed their rally.

We have no problems with Dave Milligan and will be using Get Routed in the future.Friends who used another company to send their bike to the States this year are still waiting for it to return, we got ours back on the 8-11-2010.

We have shipped our bike ourselves previously (privately) and know the pitfalls of shipping companies and government departments stuffing you around.

We have told our friends of our good experience with Dave. We are going back again in 2013 for the fifth time. Dave does not deserve this slagging.

1st post (and probably last??).

Perhaps then people like yourself selling a very specific adgenda should be the target of our 'slagging'. Try filling in your profile if you want anyone to take your comments seriously. Hope your felt better about your brown-nosing Mr Mulligrub (ah hem Milligan).

Sounds like Dave is trying to remedy his poor public profile... through muppets!

Well it'll take some work, starting with that attitude and the website.
TurboCharger + Francois (our BMW R1200gs) '07
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Old 22 Jan 2011
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To all The Dave supporters??....who ever they may be??

This was really never about Goverment departments, it was never about delays and it was never about extra cost!

It was pure and simple about one mans attitude and complete arrogance!

After the number of thread views Dave maybe you should think twice before treating customers like absolute idiots!...well I'll leave that up to you of course after all it is your business...or was?
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Old 8 Apr 2011
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I found these guys, have not used them but the website certainly looks very professional www.bikesabroad.com.au
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Old 19 Jul 2011
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get routed

I am not trying to defend Dave in any way but I must point out my experience with Get Routed.
In January of this year I shipped my bike with Get Routed to NZ. It was a very last minute decision in Novemebr to do this and after contacting Dave he gave me all the details on how to get the required Australian Government re-import paper work bullshit happening. He also helped with contacting an insurance agent.
Due to the time of year (Xmas, New year) the bike needed to be available for shipping at the begining of December. Bit of a bummer being without the bike for so long but this is the fault of society wanting to celebrate pagonistic rituals, not Dave's.
The bike arrived safe and sound in NZ, on the day it was supposed to. We met Dave at the depot and he was very helpful with hints and tips of where to go etc. When we went to register the bike there was a problem that the paper work had not be forwarded by the shipping agent. Dave arrived at the VTNZ and sorted out the problem within minutes.
On our first night in Christchurch Dave met us at our accomodation and drove us into town where we had dinner with some other like minded travellers that Dave had been helping.
When it was time to send the bike back we again met Dave at the depot. He was again very helpful and then drove us back to our accomodation.
I used Get Routed on the recomendation of my brother in law. After my experience I too have recomended him to others. I will use him again when required.

An idea comes suddenly and in an intuitive way. But intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier experience.
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Old 19 Jul 2011
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Originally Posted by Aussie CBRBlackbird View Post
I have just returned from the 2011 TT Get Routed trip & have a few comments.

Yes the price did increase after we paid our deposit & booked our flights. I found him to be a very arrogant & blunt person seoriusly lacking in people skills but I deal with people like that all the time. My bike did arrive on time & undamaged in the UK but I am waiting for it's return in late August to Aus, hopefully won't be late getting back. Dave had a few things planned along the trip but he fails to notify his customers what is going on. He uses just word of mouth in his inner circle when a simple bulk email would get the information out there. Dave failed to show up to a planned meet & greet with Cameron Donald. The big one though is he flat out lied to a whole group of us regarding a competition he was running where 2 customers get their trip refunded. What Dave said straight to our faces was that the competition was run by a magazine & you had to send in a jingle to be entered, what a load of crap. Here is a link to his site which says nothing about any magazine, 2011Isle of Man TT trip We are waiting until our bikes are safe & sound back home & then we will be taking Dave to task over this false advertising.

Need to say we will not be using Get Routed again & will have a go at doing it ourselves next time.

Just had a very similar experience to you. As did many other people we met who had shipped their bikes with him.
How this knob stays in business is beyond me. He will never see another cent from me and I have made it my mission in life to not reccomend him to anyone and everyone.
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Old 19 Jul 2011
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Originally Posted by Quandary View Post
I am not trying to defend Dave in any way but I must point out my experience with Get Routed.
In January of this year I shipped my bike with Get Routed to NZ. It was a very last minute decision in Novemebr to do this and after contacting Dave he gave me all the details on how to get the required Australian Government re-import paper work bullshit happening. He also helpedwith contacting an insurance agent.
Due to the time of year (Xmas, New year) the bike needed to be available for shipping at the begining of December. Bit of a bummer being without the bike for so long but this is the fault of society wanting to celebrate pagonistic rituals, not Dave's.
The bike arrived safe and sound in NZ, on the day it was supposed to. We met Dave at the depot and he was very helpful with hints and tips of where to go etc. When we went to register the bike there was a problem that the paper work had not be forwarded by the shipping agent. Dave arrived at the VTNZ and sorted out the problem within minutes.
On our first night in Christchurch Dave met us at our accomodation and drove us into town where we had dinner with some other like minded travellers that Dave had been helping.
When it was time to send the bike back we again met Dave at the depot. He was again very helpful and then drove us back to our accomodation.
I used Get Routed on the recomendation of my brother in law. After my experience I too have recomended him to others. I will use him again when required.

Well Marty I guess what you are saying even if you not defending him that he was helpful??...well you would be one of the few that thinks so, as most people have shocking experiences with him and as you can see from all the posts...you must have been incredibly lucky!...you may want to think twice about recommending this idiot as you will probably lose friends!....Dave should stop pretending that he actually runs anything more the a shonky back yard business...worst thing of all he actually rips off other motorcyclists!

Last edited by Crappybiker; 11 Sep 2011 at 20:05.
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Old 21 Jul 2011
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Boy, am I glad I found and read this thread.
Now, to plan B...
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Old 21 Jul 2011
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Anyone had any experience with these guys? Looks like they actually want the business and dont seem to be wankers.

UK and Australia Motorcycle Shipping, then returning
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Old 22 Jul 2011
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Good morning

im not here to bag the guy because i simply dont know him but just wanted to say i run my own motorbike shipping business ex Tullamaraine if you need an alternative.

I am a customs broker by trade and ship bikes to/from Australia via air & sea (FCL/LCL) & have a Quarantine & Customs approved premises and can build/pack my own bike crates and containers

If you get stuck & need advice or need a quote, just contact me on ivan@bikesabroad.com.au or view my website for shipping information; www.bikesabroad.com.au

0466 965 460
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Old 28 Jul 2011
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As you can imagine, I’ve read this thread with interest and would like to make a couple of points. The business Get Routed was started in 1997 and now is a registered company with the appropriate legal certifications. The name of the company is Get Routed Australia Pty Ltd and its ACN is 147 209 283. Since its inception, it has complied with all its legal and tax obligations and is pleased to have made a substantial contribution to Australian business life.

The core business of Get Routed is international motorcycle containerised shipping. Since 1997, Get Routed has achieved over 4310 bike movements (i.e. there and back and we have done over 260 one way movements) to worldwide destinations including, New Zealand, America, England, Turkey making it by far the biggest business of its type in the country. The first shipment from Melbourne to Christchurch in NZ was only 9 bikes.

Although the company has an advertising budget, it has largely grown by word-of-mouth. Clients satisfied with the services provided have told their friends about it.
Of the 20-odd negative comments made about Get Routed in this thread, 11 have been from two contributors. This is not a representative sample of Get Routed’s clients. The growth of the company is a better indicator of the quality of the services provided.

On a personal note, it’s true I’m not a graduate of Charm School. I’m a Kiwi and I don’t do the American “have a nice day” and “missing you already” brand of customer relations. International shipping isn’t an exact science and, occasionally, there are problems created beyond our control. We always have, and always will, tell the truth. If a problem arises that is our responsibility, we will acknowledge it and act accordingly.

Some of the statements made in this thread are factually incorrect and have the potential to damage my reputation and the reputation of Get Routed. Publishing them makes the writer liable under Australia’s defamation laws. Please keep this in mind.

One last thing: you can organise overseas shipping yourself and it’s certainly possible to do it for slightly less than Get Routed charges. Most of our customers use us because the procedure can be complicated and they don’t want to learn how to do it when they’re only going to do it once or twice in a lifetime. That said, many have used our services 3 times or more. Appropriately, they trust us to have the experience to do it well.
Kind regards
Dave Milligan

Last edited by Dave Milligan; 28 Jul 2011 at 12:25. Reason: 2 sigs
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Old 28 Jul 2011
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Originally Posted by Dave Milligan View Post
As you can imagine, I’ve read this thread with interest and would like to make a couple of points. The business Get Routed was started in 1997 and now is a registered company with the appropriate legal certifications. The name of the company is Get Routed Australia Pty Ltd and its ACN is 147 209 283. Since its inception, it has complied with all its legal and tax obligations and is pleased to have made a substantial contribution to Australian business life.

The core business of Get Routed is international motorcycle containerised shipping. Since 1997, Get Routed has achieved over 4310 bike movements (i.e. there and back and we have done over 260 one way movements) to worldwide destinations including, New Zealand, America, England, Turkey making it by far the biggest business of its type in the country. The first shipment from Melbourne to Christchurch in NZ was only 9 bikes.

Although the company has an advertising budget, it has largely grown by word-of-mouth. Clients satisfied with the services provided have told their friends about it.
Of the 20-odd negative comments made about Get Routed in this thread, 11 have been from two contributors. This is not a representative sample of Get Routed’s clients. The growth of the company is a better indicator of the quality of the services provided.

On a personal note, it’s true I’m not a graduate of Charm School. I’m a Kiwi and I don’t do the American “have a nice day” and “missing you already” brand of customer relations. International shipping isn’t an exact science and, occasionally, there are problems created beyond our control. We always have, and always will, tell the truth. If a problem arises that is our responsibility, we will acknowledge it and act accordingly.

Some of the statements made in this thread are factually incorrect and have the potential to damage my reputation and the reputation of Get Routed. Publishing them makes the writer liable under Australia’s defamation laws. Please keep this in mind.

One last thing: you can organise overseas shipping yourself and it’s certainly possible to do it for slightly less than Get Routed charges. Most of our customers use us because the procedure can be complicated and they don’t want to learn how to do it when they’re only going to do it once or twice in a lifetime. That said, many have used our services 3 times or more. Appropriately, they trust us to have the experience to do it well.
Hats off Dave, it takes balls to jump in at the end of thread that has a highly slandering tone about it and be so factual and non opinionated. Your resonse is well written.

Your points are noted and it's important, me thinks, to set the record straight on baseless remarks and have both sides of an arguement. It is as you put it the right of any individual to make their decision who they choose to use for freight forwarding. I would prefer for the benefit of all that any decision be based on fact and not popular opinion but alas, it will require a lot of time and work, especially here on the net. I base my decisions on experience and try to avoid the fluff.

It seems from your perspective anyway that you don't have much competition in Australia or NZ for that matter. Do you think that this leads to complacency and/or being a little too familiar with new customers?

Dare I ask, for the greater community of course , do you plan to not only to 'right your name' but also perhaps to update your website?
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Old 11 Aug 2011
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Happy to use Get Routed

I would just like to say that I explored as many options as I could find to ship my BMW R1200RT to Europe and back.

Get Routed was recommended to me by a happy customer. The price was great. I really appreciated that all the paperwork and other issues I dreaded were handled on my behalf (where possible) by Get Routed. What a relief! I now know that the whole process is not quite as simple as I thought.

I find that Dave Milligan says what he means and means what he says. Very refreshing in this day and age. Also I have watched him bend over backwards to achieve the advertised product, even when forces beyond his control conspire against him. Our experience with Turkish Customs (resolved by Dave) is an example of the effort he puts in.

I would be happy to use Get Routed again.

George Atkinson
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Old 12 Aug 2011
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Good Experience with Get Routed

Most of the people commenting on Get Routed have no idea what they are talking about. You're entitled to express an opinion, but frankly it's very ill-informed.

If you have ever tried to bring a bike in or out of Australia using regular agents, you'll know what a minefield this is and how much it can cost when things don't go smoothly (which is often). The last one I did that way cost me $1400 in port and additional transport charges just in Australia! Everything Milligan says on his website is true about Australian Quarantine. He's doing you a favour shouting about this. Because he has a good record with Quarantine, he actually gets bikes through quicker and easier than anyone else I've dealt with! He's also doing you a favour banging on about Import Permits, which you'd know if you ever had a bike arrive here without one!

Those who do this regularly would also know that shipping companies will never guarantee arrival dates. It's never smart to plan a trip shortly after the schedules arrival of any ship. Milligan has no control over this. Similarly with transport costs. Most are fixed in foreign currencies. Some agents with give a fixed quote in local currency, but obviously have to build in a margin for exchange rate changes so you will pay more. It's a choice between wearing the forex risk yourself or paying to remove it!

I've shipped dozens of bikes in and out of Australia, including my own 1200GSA for long (HUBB approved!) trips in Alaska, Turkey and North Africa. I've used a number of methods, including Get Routed (where the schedules fit), individual shipping agents and others in the same business as Get Routed. Overall, I've found Milligan's service to be the most reliable and cost effective. I have absolutely no connection with him. I'm writing this because I don't want people to make bad decisions about shipping based on ill-informed opinions, or the disappointments of people who haven't tried the alternatives!

Ok, Milligan's not the epitome of tact and diplomacy, but he provides a bloody good service in a difficult business. I certainly intend to keep using him, and I recommend that others do the same.
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Old 18 Aug 2011
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I would like to apologies to Dave on a couple of the comments made by myself as I have now be enlightened to some new information.

The price rising after the deposit was paid is part of the contract I signed.

He did in fact turn up to a meet & great with Cameron Donald.

There is actually a magazine competition for a giveaway & Dave did not lie about it.

There is still one issue that I will give Dave the opportunity to address before taking the matter any further & I will leave it at that for the time being.

In saying this my personal opinion still stands that I would not recommend Get Routed to anyone & I will not be using their services ever again.
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Old 18 Aug 2011
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Can't believe this thread has not died it's due death.

I have spent many years working with the public and you always try to satisfy the customer but there are also some that any business would be much better off without.

Dave don't change a thing your better off without some of those who have posted here as trying to please them would run up the cost for the rest.

Except for problems getting the damn shipping sticker off my wind screen when I got it home everything was top notch.

As for those who are using this thread as their source of information to pick how you ship your ride, you should remember that far more will jump on the pile to pull somone down than than will come to defense. I have seen it so many times on a variety of issues, it is almost a pack mentality going for the kill. I respond to this type of action because I have had to many times stand alone, under attack. Yet many will come forward privately to offer support few are willing to risk attack when there is no gain for themselves. As in my first post on this thread (pages back) I came under attack, accused of being a paid stooge or not too bright (Yankee Mug I think was the term used).

Now how do I get bike to Africa, Dave can you put together a container?

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