Hi Rami and welcome to the HUBB!
For air transport to Europe from Canada, a good first stop is Motorcycle Express, www.motorcycleexpress.com, who work with the charter airlines to ship uncrated motorcycles to a number of European cities. They are very experienced with the process. You can get an express quote on their website. Don't forget to tell them where you heard about them.
You don't need a Carnet in Europe, including Portugal, Turkey or Israel, although having one will always smooth vehicle entry into a country.
You can arrange the Green Card liability insurance you will need for Europe in advance through Motorcycle Express, or via Stefan Knopf of KnopfTours.
Once you leave the EU, each country has its own border crossing procedures and paperwork, but none of it should be problematic. Check out our page on Border Crossings http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tripplan/borders/ for some general tips on what to do and what not to do.
Good luck with your trip, and keep in touch.
Susan Johnson
"It matters not what goal you seek
Its secret here reposes:
You've got to dig from week to week
To get Results or Roses."
Edgar Guest
'One world, two wheels'