Cargo Area is West of passenger terminal at the Airport
There must be a local agent, or a contact point indeed, something seems wrong. Wort case look carefully at your waybill to find out which airline it went with. Cargo divisions of (all?) airlines and specialized cargo companies are located just past the passenger terminal in Dorval when you're heading West on Route 520. You can not access the cargo area from the passenger terminal area directly but if you leave it (meaning heading South, no more than 500 meters, take a right on the service road heading West, the cargo area is fairly well indicated, just drive down that service road like 1 km further and look to your right you can't miss it.
There are many buildings with large signs up (AirFrance Cargo, Lufthansa, British Airways, etc.) but also smaller companies listed on panels indicating place of business and loading docks, you should be able to locate the one you're looking for, otherwise people are friendly and will certainly help you locate it if asked with a smile. Else, you could get a local taxi in Dorval City which is the locality where the airport is located, avoiding the taxis waiting in-line at the passenger terminal in Montreal because of the applicable costing structure, these guys certainly know where each cargo company is located.
In the event that your shipment has been sent to Mirabel, which would be surprising, then you'll need to drive up North on Highway 15 for about 25 km and then inland West for another 5 or 6 and then you'll reach that Airport. Expect a hefty taxi ride or else, rent a pick-up truck or minivan downtown and go fetch your bike. Running around in taxis in Montreal (due to traffic and distance) can easily use up a budget.
Please let us know how it works out in the end, thanks in advance. Have a good and safe ride in Qc. Good luck! /C