Shipping bike etc.
Flo, hi there and guten Tag from Shikoku!
I see you want to ship your bike from Vladivostok to Japan.
Just some info: I don't know about Vladi, but Heidi & Bernd (also here on the HUBB!!) came via Sakhalin to Wakkanai and did not need a carnet.
In reference to shipping your bike to the States I think that Mr. Furukawa from interfracht-japan and his German counterparts are good points of contact.
Concerning a crate (for shipping purposes) Heidi & Bernd got their's for free from a Harley Davidson dealer in Yokohama.
For more information (in case you need it) please send me an e-mail.
Take care and safe riding - "mach's gut und man sieht sich vielleicht",
Klaus D. Orth A German in Japan 1992 Honda TA