Customs when transporting to Cape Town
Hi all, i need my bike in cape town by 12-11-07, can you help me
Ok, i found some shipping company's giving me varying services and cost's.
One with a very high price who will do everything, bike will be in a wharehouse where i can ride away, but expensive.
When just shipping it to Cape Town, no service there i get the best price of course.
But i'm really confused on the custom's and clearance things to do over there, is it possible that the ship arrive's there on 30-10-07 and i go to the port on 12-11 to pick it up and do the custom's procedure's there? Also, what is the custom's procedure all about when making a crosscontineltal sea shipping?
Please your advice on this, if i save a lot of mony on shipping i can make the travel longer
Of course i did the search and check the bike transport page but could not find anything specificaly on this.