"Embargo" on flying bikes to Europe via Lufthansa or KLM
Recent info that there may be a problem flying bikes to Europe via Lufthansa and KLM:
"...we have to find out a way to bring the bikes back to Germany. There is an Embargo to Lufthansa and KLM to bring dangerous goods (motorbikes) to Europe, especially to Germany. We hope now that Swisscargo will sent our bikes to Europe.
If there is a traveller who wants to contact Swissaircargo in Santiago, here is an email address "swisscargo@lanchile.cl". The persons to contact are Mr. Mathis Csaszar or Mr. Oskar Urutia. Both speak English and Mr. Csaszar speaks German, too."
Joerg Becker and Sandra Weisshuhn, Germany, travelling in South America, Valparaiso