European Destination Fees
Further to my recent post Shipping a non-EU registered bike to the EU I've been looking at alternative destinations (to Bremmerhaven)in Western Europe.
Rotterdam is the first place that springs to mind and after a little searching I came across THIS article posted my Milton Miller. In it he lists the destination charges he had to pay (in Rotterdam. In 2011?). They include the equivalent of U$488 for 'Unloading the bike from Container' and totalled U$692.
Back in 2009 I shipped my F650 from Lima to Hamburg and paid a total of 200 euros in local fees (in Hamburg).
Milton shipped his bike uncrated whilst I shipped my bike crated.
Is the difference in price crated vs uncrated or are there huge variations in local fees across Europe?
I'm currently trying to ship my bike from New York to Europe and have a quote for U$500 (all inclusive at the US end) and so U$488 just to wheel it out of the crate seems ridiculous.
I would like to hear what others have paid in destination fees at the numerous ports throughout Europe and whether they shipped crated or uncrated.