Hi, I used a guy in Cartagena to ship my motorbike back to Europe. He is a freight forwarder I believe so may be able to help you or point you in the right direction for Miami
Enlace Caribe LTDA
Luis Ernesto La Rota
3a Avenida No. 26-47 (My thoughts are it is on Calle 28 opposite the Aduana)
Officina 103
Tel:- 57(5) 660 94 95
Mobile 57 315 758 5872
enlacecaribe {at} enred {dot} com
Good Luck
p.s. I am arriving into BA on wednesday 5pm and heading to a hostel in Downtown, I dont drink Beer but if you fancy a rum and coke somewhere let me know
{edited to add the p.s.}
Last edited by paul_r; 8 Jan 2007 at 20:45.