Hello to all traveller, hope this helps other biker;
Your Shipment made
> From brisbane
> Country: australia
> To christchurch
> Country: new zealand
> Shipper: Australia trade and Shipping
> Shipper Contact: phone 38081200
> Shipper Email:
> Shipper Contact details: phone 38081200,
> 4127 springwood,south from brissi, 5 bates street,
> Recommend: Y
> Rating: 5
> Cost in US$ or: 703,- aussiedollar
> Shipment made by: Sea need to weeks time for transport
> ________________________________________
> Info shipping from Australia to NZ and Germany
> Customshaus in Brisbane ,140 Creekstreet,Australian Custom Service,Level 2 Terrica Place,Client Service,Tel. 07 3835 3774,Mo-Fr 9-15.30 Uhr,
> Koordinaten South 27* 22.905,east 153* 10.450,middle from Brissi,you have to make the carnet clearance here, not on the airport
> shipping company
> Australia Trade and Shipping, (all per email to finished)
info@australiatrade.com.au, Tel. 38081200,in Springwood 4127,5 Bates Street
> warehouse in Brisbaner Port,south Brisbane,over Gatewaybridge,then next exit out to Port,
> ACFS,warehouse
> corner Whrimbel Street+Sandpiper Avenue,Mo-Fr 7.30- 15.30 Uhr
> in circle north out,(Oneway)150 m right in Tor in,drive around the building until the frontroad(Koordinaten South 27* 22.907,east 153* 10.449) ,enclosed shoes waering on the yard i bring my both bike crates with a truck to them,from(abel.com.au)they enload them with a forklift, into the Office paperswork finished,you take some sticker put them by yourself on the crate,that’s all,Australiatrade email you a bill on the same day,you can pay per online the bill,the bill of loading will be emailt to you after money clearance,but only when the bike is on the ship,after this you can make the carnet de passage clearance in brissi with the customhouse,(see address in begin)the customs don’t watch your bike or gear,this will be done on your arrival place.
> costs,1cbm3 to NZ 2,40,- Ad+120,- Ad fees incl. Handlingfees ,KLR 650 komplett 1,8cbm3 ,705,- AD, 240kg,
> here follow costs in NZ when I piked the bike up
> in NZ,Christchurch 180,- Nzd ,
for the Qurantaene like MAF 90,-Nzd,for paperwork from frightoffice 90,-Nzd,the Carnet clearance by customs is free,
> now with english translation tool babel fish
Buch meiner Reise
Ungebremst um die Welt und kein Ende in Sicht
ISBN 978-3-86870-240-8
14,95 Euro Ladenpreis oder per PN bei mir
10,-Euro incl. Versand, verguenstigtes Autorenexemplar
266 Seiten
bebildert, 30 Kapitel

some shorts movies:
YouTube - Movie Mt Olympus
YouTube - Movie Tokarina Crossing