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Trip Transport Shipping the vehicle and yourself.
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Old 2 Jul 2012
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Originally Posted by seouljoe View Post
Anglos too tight butted to stop?

Joe - me and Bushman always stop to chat and we are "Anglos"

Martin (Strimstrum)

PS Neo appears to be in trouble with visa and now lack of money somewhere in Latvia or Poland - we are currently just back into Italy from Albania nso we don't know current situation.
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Old 4 Jul 2012
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Originally Posted by strimstrum View Post
Joe - me and Bushman always stop to chat and we are "Anglos"

Martin (Strimstrum)

PS Neo appears to be in trouble with visa and now lack of money somewhere in Latvia or Poland - we are currently just back into Italy from Albania nso we don't know current situation.
Neo is trying to hitch a ride back to Korea on cargo ship , kid has to go military, when he returns ,, he is taking long way round ,, kkk..
Worst come worst about his money ,, we Korean Hubber will buy him a ticket ,, it is so agreed.

Neo tols me he will never forget you guys ,,
I am kidnapped in Kemerov by a bunch of generous Russian bikers ,, have to stay here for parties and a bike festival ,,
Gee ,, Now I only need a Russian temp wife ,, gee ,,
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Old 13 Jul 2012
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We transported the bikes from Seoul to Seattle

Im the Estonian who just did it two weeks ago and posted the solution to the other forum over here (see answer down here). Seems like either we are stupid or money devaluated recently - its not as cheap any more for shipping the bike on the route.
You can find some cheap plane tickets: from Seoul to Seattle the ticket was about 1200 usd. ... But i searched and waited and the best solution was Seoul-Tokyo-Manila-Honolulu-SanFrancisco ... 900 usd alltogether and couple of days everywhere... The only thing to miss is family, buddy and bike

Hi all!
Thanks SeoulJoe for very useful information! Unfortunately we didnot meet you on the road but according to Yuri's information you headed to UlanBator when we were on the road to Vladivostok. Hope you had lot of fun .
Anyway we chosed the hard way to get from far-east to US. Easier and chepaer would have been send the bikes directly from Vlad to Seattle with Yuris container (approximately 5500 usd per container olus 200usd per bike)

We managed to get the tickets for Eastern Dream (vlad-donghae) from the ferrystation but we were just lucky. They are sold out for weeks. Yuri Melnikof helped with customs in Vlad. Ist incredibly lot of time/money/papers and i dont think anyone of us can do it by owerself. He can book the tickets as well. So take contact to him, he just is the only one who does it and he seem honest and nice guy.

The overall cost for the bike, personal ferry, customs russia and Korea and insurance was about 1200 usd per bike-person which is A LOT!

But its a lot of fun and South Korea is really nice country .. Allthough is not allowed to ride on the highways... So expect lots of funny situations in traffic. I do not think anyone forigner can do the traffic without gps over there!!

We tried hard to get the bikes directly to Anchorage with no success. We sent them to Seattle.

We did it via South Korea, Seoul.
Tried dhl, fedex, wallenius and some other options but ended up with

Joo Jung
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The service with wooden boxes and customs clearance in US was 3900 usd per two bikes.

We contacted also Wallenius and it should have been a bit cheaper to use them but whe had a time limit and they didnot wanted to hold our bikes over certain time. They donot accept direct contacts, so its better to contact through Wendy Choi. As it was our first choise that didnot worked out we had good contact to Wendy and she is the person to suggest helping customs and paperwork for shure.

Now we are on hold and search the possibilitys to send the bikes from Seattle to Anchorage... If we will not find a reasonable solution we have to drive there and back, which is also not too bad... Anyone knows the optimal solution from Seattle to Alaska? They are still in wooden boxes, it might do it easier?

See you on the road,
Juhan Peedimaa

Last edited by Chris of Japan; 22 Jul 2012 at 01:11. Reason: No unedited emails in posts. It attracts SPAM.
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Old 17 Jul 2012
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shipping from UB instead?

after what is written about the crazy shipping situation and costs from vlad I'm wondering why so few people consider shipping from UB instead. It saves you 4000 rather boring km to vlad and you have all the options (rail/sea/air) for what it looks reasonable prices. I'm currently getting quotes from shipping companies for two bikes at the end of Aug, beginning of sept to the US/Canada. Y. Melnikov also told me that there is some kind of political event in Vlad and nothing will go out between Sept. 1st and 15th.

Is anyone up to UB shipping so we could maybe gather some more bikes and get discounts?
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Old 17 Jul 2012
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UB shipping

Originally Posted by MasterMoDlx View Post
I'm currently getting quotes from shipping companies for two bikes at the end of Aug, beginning of sept to the US/Canada. Y. Melnikov also told me that there is some kind of political event in Vlad and nothing will go out between Sept. 1st and 15th.
Don't forget to tell us about the quotes you get.
The more options we have the better.

The event in Vlad is the APEC Summit.
You probably don't want to be in town then. I imagine security will be making traffic worse than it usually is.
Japan touring information
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Old 21 Jul 2012
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I have just arrived in Vlad today 21st July.

Tomorrow I am off to find out about shipping.... wish me luck !

Geordie aka Will
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Old 21 Jul 2012
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Hi Geordie

If you see Yuri Melnikov and Svetlana please give them our regards from Martin & Mark. (Sveta came over to the UK in February and stayed with us for a week)
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Old 22 Jul 2012
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Originally Posted by Juss View Post
Now we are on hold and search the possibilitys to send the bikes from Seattle to Anchorage... If we will not find a reasonable solution we have to drive there and back, which is also not too bad... Anyone knows the optimal solution from Seattle to Alaska? They are still in wooden boxes, it might do it easier?
Try the ferry? Alaska Marine Highway Ferry Ferry Reservations & Tours
Not cheap, but it is a scenic trip.
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Old 22 Jul 2012
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Well I have just met with Yuri, what a nice helpful guy.

However I was shocked at the price to get me and my bike to South Korea.

around $1000 !! for an overnight ferry! and I always thought that the $200 price from Newcastle to Amsterdam was overpriced !

It seems there is only one player in this market and the prices have shot up.

Just feel like bending over...... I am sure you all get the picture lol

Geordie aka Will trying to find a reasonable way out of Russia
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Old 29 Dec 2012
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Hello, I was just wondering if you managed to gain any good quotes for shipping from UB to USA. I am planning a trip next year and trying to weigh all the options up. Many thanks and all the best, Matty.
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Old 12 Feb 2013
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Please tell us what was your solution... do you finally get quotoes for sipping from UB to USA?
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Old 12 Feb 2013
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Hello, I did not get any quotes in the end. My plans keep changing all the time.

My current idea is to travel through Russia (and neighbouring countries) then end up in Vladivostock with a view to park the bikes up there for four months. I will then fly myself to USA to complete a little tour on foot/in a camper and then return to Vlad to ride it all backwards again.

I don't suppose anyone has any input to this idea? Can I leave the bikes there for four months?

Thanks again, Matty.
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Old 12 Feb 2013
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Hi Matty,
You could try asking the Vladivostok Iron Tigers , the local motorcycle club www.vladmoto.ru

Not had any contact with them but i have seen them repair a harley in Vlad and help out other travellers .
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Old 14 Feb 2013
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It seems to me that there would be a dedicated thread on shipping to S. Korea and Vladivostok.Many people are looking for this same info.(My self included).I talked to SeanF last month. He rode Asia in 2010-11.He had air shipping Vancouver to Incheon for $1300 and him for $750. Here is his blog: thegreatbigopendotcom/?page_id=76 .I know things change.But....
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Old 15 Feb 2013
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Originally Posted by doogle View Post
It seems to me that there would be a dedicated thread on shipping to S. Korea and Vladivostok.Many people are looking for this same info.(My self included).I talked to SeanF last month. He rode Asia in 2010-11.He had air shipping Vancouver to Incheon for $1300 and him for $750. Here is his blog: thegreatbigopendotcom/?page_id=76 .I know things change.But....
I fully agree there should be a thread, or that people should report details back here (on the HUBB)because getting hold of the info is a real PITA.

rates have gone up. So far we have had a quote of $4000CAD per bike to fly to Seoul (and that is not as Dangerous Goods, waiting on a quote for that to save us purging the bikes).

Can you get SeanF to post details of contacts, ports etc here (or at least on the shipping info page?). That way there will be less hassle for him being asked questions, and easier for others seeking info.

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