The Price of vehicles in Australia (bikes and cars) - outpricing importing UK to Oz
Am I missing something here?
I have been trawling Trading Post - Buying and Selling Goods Online Australia wide to price cars in Oz (I am moving over there in a couple of months), but have to keep my eyes from popping out my head every time I do the conversions - vehicles are a LOT more expensive than the equivalent ones in the UK. So much so that I may end up saving a few grand by buying a car here and sending it over to Oz (?).
I have read through the customs website and done the sums. On a car picked up in the UK for under £2000, even after customs duties and shipping, I could save myself over £1000 compared to buying an equivalent vehicle in Australia.
This doesn't seem right.
Added to this is the fact that, in most cases, the milage on a UK car will be a lot lower than the 100s of kms that are clocked up on Auzzie ones.
Another option that jumped out at me from the import documentation, is possibly sending over an Australian made car, which will make customs even less!! (let the researching begin - it's a long shot, but it will make work a lot easier these last few months)
What am I missing here?
Why are vehicles so expensive in Australia??! :confused1:
If you don't have bugs in your teeth, you haven't been grinning enough!