Hi, Yes I have done it recently, and yes, I can share.... This is the deal:
$275 for you, and the same again for the bike. I think about 3 or 4 boats are doing the trip now days for bikes as well, but I heard recently that Ludwig was not doing it for a while as hes off sailing around the place.
I did mine through an American guy called Marcus and his wife Paulo. He left from Portobelo near <colon. Most either leave from there, or further along the road towards the san blas islands.
If you really cant find a contact for these people than Zulis the hostel in Panama city will try for you as they know the contacts but the guy will charge $20 for the privilage.
I think you can find the one I used by looking for a company called fresh air charters on google. The site may even be www.freshaircharter(s). com but im not sure.
good luck
p.s its totally fine to do and safe, just dont camp in the fort!! (SEE MY BLOG) and is a cheaper and more interesteing way to get accross.