Hi Jay
Unfortunately, even cargo airlines are getting a bit difficult about flying motorcycles if you've not done business with them before.
A few thoughts:
If you can send the bike in advance by sea, you might be interested in these:
1. A company mentioned by Erin & Chris Ratay for shipping from LA to Dunedin. Cost quoted was US$270 per bike, which sounds a lot better than $2,000. We usually don't recommend sea shipments, but NZ isn't in the same category as Africa.
2. Another possibility is Direct Express, a company in Gardena, California which specialises in car-shipment, per Peter Theuwissen. He shipped his bike to Australia for US$450 in March 2000, but they don't have a website so cannot tell whether they ship to NZ. You'll have to call them directly. Contact details are on the Shipping page:
3. Finally, we have recently learned of California Shipping, a company "specializing in the export/containerizing of autos, trailerized boats, motorcycles, auto-parts and accompanying cargo to the major ports of Europe, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand".
With sea shipments, you need to allow at least 8-10 weeks for the bike to get to NZ, though.
Depending on how long you plan to stay in NZ, you might consider buying a bike there and selling at the end of your trip, rather than pay for shipment in both directions.
Let us know how you make out.
Good luck and safe travels!
Susan Johnson
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