Shipping Motorcycle from Vladivostok to Europe
I am planning my Trip from Italy to Vladivostok for next April/ May2013 ......
In tha and of May I would like to delivery our N.2 motorcycles from Vladivostok to Europe by container .......I find on the web
Mr Yuri Melnikov
Links, Ltd.
89 Svetlanskaya str., office 312,
690078, Vladivostok, Russia.
Tel/fax: +7(423)222-15-78
Tel: +7(423)222-08-87
Mobile: +7 902 5243447
mail to: ymelnik [AATT] links-ltd <<DDOTT>> com
He told me that is possible to ship a containers from Vladivostok to Italy ,
but is very expensive ....4500$ ........for only 2 motrcycles !!!
we are in two guy ( NOT sponsor ) : Helpsmilie: with 2 ( two ) motorbikes ........
the motorbikes are old and cheap bue we are loyal and we would like to bring them at home !!!I
SO I need to find in the end of May 2013 other travelers who wont to send their cars or motorcycles to divide the COSTS of Transport !!!!
IS possible to organize the shipping in Europe ......not necessary in Italy .
I wait all suggestions or news
Best Regards
Last edited by Chris of Japan; 31 Jan 2013 at 03:53.
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