here some actually information to ship your bike from NZ-Auckland to Valparaiso in Chile

Shipment made
From Auckland
Country: New Zealand
To Valparaiso
Country: Chile
Shipper: Mondiale
Shipper Contact: Katie Speck
Shipper Email:
Shipper Contact details: 77 Richard Pearse Drive
Auckland Airport, Manukau 2150
Tel. +64 9 256 4111
Recommend: Y
Rating: 5
Shipping Month: 9
Shipping Year: 2010
Cost in US$ or: 485,- Nzd or 270,-Usd for 1.87 (cbm3)
Shipment made by: Sea, time: need 50-60 days
Please see the revised rates below: 
Freight: US$97 per w/m
BAF: US$24 per w/m
PSS: US$6 per w/m
OTHC: NZ$10 per w/m
ECI Fee: NZ$20 per b/l
Compliance Fee: NZ$10 per b/l
Export Docs: NZ$50 per b/l
Courier Fee: US$35 per courier
Please note: This bike will no longer be classed as DG cargo so there is no need to have a DG cert issued.
Please advise the weight and cbm of the bike and I can book this in for you. I will then send you a booking confirmation that will show our depot delivery details on it. please note: You can not delivery the bike until a booking has been made and you have a reference number.
You will need to deliver the carnet here to my office (77 Richard Pearse Drive, Airport Oaks) so that I can send it down to customs with the b/l and customs entry to have it signed before the cargo can be loaded. i will then courier it back to you (whether it be here in NZ or to an overseas address)
Your website link with more info:
Your Comments:
I ship over from Oz to NZ with Mondiale too,
very good information and handling,and prices
you can do everything by email.
You contact Katie Speck from Mondiale
she send you a booking confirmation,
after this, you bring your bike in a crate, don't use wood, (must be fulmigatetd for Southamerica)to the delivery warehouse:
Tapper Freight Station, 373 Neilson Street,Onehunga,
20Km north from Airport,Gps East 174* 48.845,South 36* 55.300, 
your crate have to be cling-wrapped or covered with carton and with your consignee, on all 4 sides,
they enload the crate with two forklifts,
Katie will send you per email a bill, after paying the bill,online or per kreditcard, she will send you per email the "Bill of Loading"
also when you have a carnet de passage,postage it to Katie by courier mail,5 days before shipping, and katie will do the carnet clearance with the customs for you too, and she postage the carnet per couriermail back to the place where you stay,
always a nice company to deal with,easy, helpfull working per email contact,
all the best,
hold always your mirrows up,
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