Shipping UK to States
I've admired this site and it's contributors from a desk for a long while, and now having left my job, it's my chance to ask a question!
OK, I'm not an ambitious traveller YET, but there is a chance I'll be travelling from the UK to Cape Cod in the US later in the year, and I thought I'd just love to take my bike - so here's the question...
I'll probably go Stateside for about three months or more to see friends, and I'd like to take an MV Agusta F4S (perhaps not the best bike for touring) but what do I need to do this? I've seen a posting about going on the QE2, and others regarding air freight and I will be investigating costings, but what happens at the other end? Would there be any advantage to arriving in the US on the QE2 to meeting a crated bike somewhere? Whats gonna be the most hassle free way of arriving in the US and getting on the road ASAP???
Any help would be greatly welcomed.
Kind regards to everyone