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Trip Transport Shipping the vehicle and yourself.
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Old 2 Aug 2013
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Shipping your motorcycle in South Korea

Depending on your travel destination and schedule your budget might vary.
I recommend you to get quotes from both international companies and domestic companies for the best deal.

Basically if you travel from Russia or Japan via ship, you would be able to travel with your motorcycle.

Finding international companies might start from searching information from Google.com
Example) How to ship a motorcycle from (your place) to South KDepending on your travel destination and schedule your budget might vary.
I recommend you to get quotes from both international companies and domestic companies for the best deal.

Basically if you travel from Russia or Japan via ship, you would be able to travel with your motorcycle.

Finding international companies might start from searching information from Google.com
Example) How to ship a motorcycle from (your place) to South Korea / Shipping a motorcycle to Korea
You should be able to find numerous overseas transporters.

Incase of domestic companies, it is more difficult to find in Google.
For your convenience, I list following selected companies.
I do not specifically recommend any specific company, but all of following companies have fair reputation and experience.
Most of them have the English webpage with Multi-lingual service representative.
The best way to reach them would be firstly requesting them an e-mail quote and call.

1) Hyundai Shipping
Website http://www.cyhds.com/eng/index.html

2) Hanjin Shipping
Website http://www.hanjin.com/hanjin/CUP_HOM_1001.do

3) GANA Shipping
Website http://www.24gana.com/content/
They seem to not have English website, so I put down additional information
Tel +82-2-737-1838 (Sales Rep)
E-mail: 24gana@hanmail.net

In addition, I would like to introduce the company named EUKOR.

Website http://www.eukor.com/index.jsp
EUKOR is not a domestic company but this company has various shipping routes.
(Check service routes at http://www.eukor.com/homepage/eukor/routes_overview.jsp)

Please compare quotes from several transporters to get the best rate and schedule.
Depending on packing options, single crate, volume container, or individual roll-in on roll-off would be possible.

Every year, there are many motorcycle enthusiasts coming from Russia and Japan via ships,
and from Canada, Europe and USA via airfreight. Usually the best season for motorcycle riding would be
between April and June / August and November in Korea. Monsoon seasons are typically between late June to July.
Once you're in Korea, we can help you planning routes, arranging a meeting and setting up your GPS.

Also, If you ride BMW, I can introduce authorized BMW Korean dealer that can help pre-checkup and securing crating.
(I happen to be a GS rider, that’s all.)

For additional information about GlobeRiders-K, please contact me.

Name: Jun
Mobile: +82-10-5126 -9566
E-mail: jun19@hotmail.com
Visit us : http://www.globeriders.co.kr
Click "English" menu for more information

Last edited by jun19; 2 Aug 2013 at 10:24.
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Old 2 Aug 2013
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Smile Shipping out of Korea

Hello Ita Se..
Please note,, above shipping companies are useless as we have experienced. Most of them are container shipping companies and one has to hire a whole 20ft or 40 footer for 3 - 8,000 USD. Eukor schedule is very irregular as I have found out. They never keep a regular schedule since it is based on Hundai car exports only ,, although it is a RO-RO vessel. Wilhelson does regular bi-weekly RO-RO schedule from Korea to eastbound,, Japan, West Coast USA , Central America, East Coast USA then continues onto South Hampton, UK to Bremen, Germany. It makes U turn from there and comes back same route,,,all the way to China.

HUBBers coming to Korea almost exclusively uses Wendy CHoi ,, a woman HUBBers discovered some 7 years ago and she went through same learning curve with many of us. Why Wendy? Because 99% of the time, you must use a freight forwarder in order to book with the shipping companies. In other words they will not accept a cargo directly from individuals. A commercial rule and Korean MOT rules. Only licensed and bonded agent can book the cargo and declare. Also customs clearance,, packing etc. She had recently learned not only the import but export using Ro-Ro vessels and air cargo as well. I have always been pressuring her to meet or lower the rates on the shipment of our bikes to and from Korea, in par with her comps. She is known to feed the HUBBers ,, once even lent money to a downtrodden HUBBer,, though she never got it back. So Wendy is sort of HUBB inhouse forwarder ,, same as
Yuri Melin kov in Vladivostok. She has gaind a trust of HUBBers here for many years now ,, besides she is a very nice person.

Last edited by seouljoe; 3 Aug 2013 at 01:32.
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Old 4 Aug 2013
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Thank you for adding information, seouljoe.

Indeed, depending on travel condition those companies may be
helpful or useless. But they are solid transport companies with experience.

Seouljoe has been a member of GRK (I-Ta-Se in Korean) and also helping
riders from abroad in person. GRK tries to integrate members' personal efforts as
a group act to increase efficiency and widen the range of cooperation.

Although I do not have any personal experience with WendyChoi,
,as seouljoe mentioned, she has got good reputation between riders.
Seouldjoe has been hiring her for years and getting positive feedbacks.
Thus, she would be one of good choices.

But, there are so many international companies offering similar reputable
services and (Container, Airfreight and RoRo) and when I write a thread
on behalf of GRK I think I should not mention certain agent because
this can be viewed as commercial related activity (Ads).
(This is also a thing that I talked about with Grant.)

After one contacts us, we can recommend and give specific information
appropriate for situations. Thank you for your understanding.
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Old 5 Aug 2013
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Traveling between Japan and Korea with your motorcycle

There is a ferry connects Osaka and Busan, the second biggest seaport of Korea.
Two maritime routes (A&B) are currently available for you and your motorcycle.
Depending on your location, please determine which route works better for you to save time and avoid unwanted
highway travel. (Highway fee of Japan is notorious.) For exact expense estimation, contact a company.


A. Shimonoseki <-> Busan (Round-trip also available)

1) Shimonoseki -> Busan
Taking “Kampuferry”
English Website: KAMPUFERRY
Reservation: http://www.kampuferry.co.jp/passenge...servation.html
Phone: 083-224-3000 (Shimonoseki Office) / Business Hour: 9:00~18:00
E-mail: ryokaku@kampuferry.co.kr

In the website, you can check time schedule, Fares, Charges, Booking / boarding procedures and pick-up location.
All the information including pictures of rooms is available on website.

2) Busan -> Shimonoseki (Round-trip also available)

Taking “Pukwanferry”
Website: http://www.pukwan.co.kr
Phone: 051-464-2700 (Reservation only)
There is no English website, but Google Translator seems to work okay.
Note: On Google translator, 2nd Class room appears as 2 lantern.

In fact, two companies are related, thus, they share the same ferries and work in the same manner.
Both companies also have Japanese website.


B. Osaka <-> Busan

Taking “PanStar Cruise” (Round-trip available)
Website: http://www.panstar.co.kr/main/main.php

(The company has adobe-flash based web-site, Google Translator does not work.)
The best way to contact would be calling following numbers.

(Passenger terminal) 1577-9996
(Cargo terminal) 1577-9666
Osaka: 81-6-6614-2516
Currently, Osaka-Busan Round-trip fare with your motorcycle starts from 700,000 Yen.


Generally in Korea, for 30-day mandatory motorcycle insurance, estimated fee would be between USD 30 and 130,
depend on coverage and conditions. Please ask a ferry company for details.
A ferry company can handle necessary insurance and a customs clearance business for you. (Recommended)
Or you can take care by yourself at the destination. Usually people in ferry companies are familiar with procedures.
Also, please do not forget to confirm your reservation prior to departure.

I hope this can help figuring out your travel plan.
If you have specific questions or having difficulty because of a language, contact me.
Bon voyage.
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Old 28 Nov 2013
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I have been looking at those cruise line sites but am not able to see any options for vehicles. I am in Japan and would like to go for a couple of weeks riding in South Korea in 2014 and since I have no luck to find a rental shop there shipping my bike is next on my search but the price you show for third cruise line of 700,000Y is about $7000.00 which is obviously not realistic.
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Old 29 Nov 2013
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700,000Y is about $7000.00

Originally Posted by Iron Chef View Post
I have been looking at those cruise line sites but am not able to see any options for vehicles. I am in Japan and would like to go for a couple of weeks riding in South Korea in 2014 and since I have no luck to find a rental shop there shipping my bike is next on my search but the price you show for third cruise line of 700,000Y is about $7000.00 which is obviously not realistic.
I think ,, you misread it ,,
Passenger one way is 140,000 KRW,, bike around 600,000 KRW ,,,
So about USD 740 ,,,,
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Old 29 Nov 2013
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Originally Posted by seouljoe View Post
I think ,, you misread it ,,
Passenger one way is 140,000 KRW,, bike around 600,000 KRW ,,,
So about USD 740 ,,,,
Jun19 did write 700,000 yen, but I checked the Japanese website for the Osaka ferry and the price is 70,000 yen (one zero less)
Panstar Cruise | カーフェリーご利用

Note that from Osaka, the ferry company requires you to have residence in Japan and a reentry permit if you are taking a vehicle. This means you cannot go from Japan if you are there with just a tourist visa. The ferries from Fukuoka and Shimonoseki require you to have permanent residence in Japan (last time I checked).
HOWEVER, they have been known to be flexible if you are really insistent. I know an Austrian traveler who was told he can't take his motorcycle to Korea on the ferry from Shimonoseki, so he went without his motorcycle. But he checked with Korean customs when he arrived, and they said it was OK. So, he went back to Japan, had an argument with the ferry company, and convinced them to let him take his motorcycle!
Japan touring information
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Old 22 Jan 2014
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Korea to Japan

Hi all,

as I want to take a ferry (RoRo) from Korea to Japan I find this thread really intresting.
I contacted Kampuferry to ask for permission to take me and my bike along.
They said something of that the Korean Customs don't allow shipping Bikes only one way.
This does not really makes sence for me, why shoudl the Korean have a problem if I want to get my Bike out of Korea.
I intend to Ship or Fly my Bike from Hong Kong to Korea and get it out to Japan.

Anyone used the DBS-Ferry or know other RoRo-Ferries between Korea and Japan?
I did find some but most of them are passenger only or Japanese/Korean-Websites only...

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Old 23 Jan 2014
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Originally Posted by eagle1985 View Post
Hi all,

They said something of that the Korean Customs don't allow shipping Bikes only one way.

Sheer non sense ,, you can do one way ,, double way ,, triple way ,, any way you like.
There are ferries to various ports of Japan from Korea, on daily basis. Just show up at Bu San port ,, and you will be on your way.
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Old 3 Feb 2014
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Hi seouljoe

thanks for the info, I probably will do that :-)

Bit of topic, but any recommended rides in korea that are a must to do?

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Old 3 Feb 2014
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Also any ferries you can recommend?

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Old 4 Feb 2014
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Originally Posted by eagle1985 View Post
Also any ferries you can recommend?


Call when in Seoul.
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Old 12 Feb 2014
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Hi seouljoe

thanks for the tip, i will check the thread.

And also thanks for the invate to call

hope to be there this summer :-)

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Old 12 Jul 2015
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just re-ignite this thread ...

I am coming to Korea in September. I am about to cross to Kazakhstan and will ship from Vladivostok at the beginning of September.

I need to sort out some onward freight for the bike about a month later
(I believe I have to have that in place on arrival in Korea ??)

I will meet my brother in South Korea as well as he is an English teacher who will be working there. (Not sure where exactly)

Does anyone have any useful contacts for shipping a motorcycle from South Korea to Aus? - I have googled the usual suspects but thought I might try the experts here as well


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Old 18 Jul 2015
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Hi Mark

I'm currently In Ulaanbaatar and hope to be heading towards Lake Baikal in a few days then heading towards Vladivostok before heading towards south Korea and then Australia.

when do you think you will be passing this way? If you fancy riding together or a .

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