Check this thread:
Airfreighting your bike might be a little more expensive than shipping it, but then it's far more easier to time the arrival - and LOTS easier to get the bike through customs at the airport than at the port. The harbour officials can be rather trying :-(
Besides that, I met a Swiss girl in Tasmania who had shipped her bike to Freemantle. But she was forced to pass customs in Perth. The end of the story was that she paid heavily to get the bike transported from Freemantle to Perth.
Another important point is that your bike has to be thoroughly cleaned to be allowed into Oz. The Quarantine officials even check under the mudguards, inspect the tyres etc. Same with your camping equipment. Please make sure it is spotless!
If you use a wooden crate this has to be fumigated BEFORE leaving South Africa and directly before boarding the plane or ship.
Good luck!
Only when we pause to wonder
do we go beyond the limits of our little lives.
(Rod McKuen)