Trailer my bike from Guatemala to California?
Hi. I was in Guatemala on my Suzuki DL1000 and a reckless driver crossed the double yellow on a blind curve and slammed into me. Luckily I survived, had lots of damage to my leg but its healing. The guy had insurance. They are paying me various things plus the cost to ship my moto back to California. It sounds like its best to get it back on a plane. But what if I drive down there, buy a trailer, and bring it back on a trailer? I own a Subaru Baja, so could probably get it on the back of the truck also without trailer. But I heard you cannot take a car and moto across borders. Only one vehicle. But I only have to cross into Mexico and then into the US. Seems that I could get in by showing the accident report, insurance papers, etc. I own both vehicles.
Does anyone know? Thanks