from turkey or iran to Madrid. Cheaper options? dangerous go
i am travellin around the world wýth a spanýsh motorcycle. but now,i need to send it to spain (madrid). i can go to istanbul or tehran to send it and i need to see prices to decide. for me ýt ýs better tehran,but ýf the economýcal dýference ýs much...,istanbul.
ýt ýs a honda transalp of my own. aprox 240kg, 2.3cubic meters --> 2,2x1,3x0,75m. i will send with it ýts suýtcases. i do not care about mean of transport or týme.
the prblem ýs taht ý have been callýn many companýes ýn ýstanbul and prýces are around 2000€. and as ý have seen on thýs web,thýs ýs too much. the reason for thýs hýgh prýce ýs that they consýder ýt as a dangerous good. do u thýnk ý wýll fýnd any company by any transport that offers me better prýce? or how can ý send the motorcycle wýthout beýng consýdered as dangerous good? do ý have to insist and insist? do you know any company from these places??
as ý have seen here,ý trýed wýth lufthansa and was the same...
everythýn you say wýll be useful,of course. thank u!